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Housing and Homelessness Prevention Committee
Thursday, March 9, 2023
12:30 PM, 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Lindsey Port - Chair, Senator Liz Boldon - Vice Chair, Senator Rich Draheim, Senator Karin Housley, Senator Eric Lucero, Senator Zaynab Mohamed, Senator Susan Pha, Senator Ann H. Rest

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Lindsey Port called the meeting to order at 1:19 p.m.

S.F. 2233: Senator Mohamed: Stable housing mediation grant program establishment.

Be removed from agenda.

S.F. 1298: Senator Oumou Verbeten: Provisions amendment related to residential housing evictions.

Senator Oumou-Verbeten provided an overview of the bill


Senator Boldon moved the A2 amendment, motion prevailed, amendment adopted


Senator Mohamed moved the A3 amendment, motion prevailed, amendment adopted


Senator Boldon moved the A4 amendment, motion prevailed, amendment adopted


Senator Mohamed moved the A5 amendment


Discussion on the A5 amendment

- Larry McDonough, National Housing Law Project

- Ron Elwood, Legal Aid


Senator Mohamed requested a roll call vote on the A5 amendment


Chair Port - N. Vice Chair Boldon - N. Senator Draheim - N. Senator Housley - N. Senator Lucero - N. Senator Mohamed - Y. Senator Pha - N. Senator Rest - N. 


Senator Housley requested the roll call vote be recorded in the Senate Journal


There being 7 nos and 1 yes, the motion failed, the A5 amendment was not adopted



- Meg Daly, Minnesota Youth Collective

- Amara Omar

- Linda Soderstrom

- Cecil Smith, Minnesota Multi Housing Association

- Lucy Brown, Lupe Development Partners

- Jessica Huber, Kleinman Realty Co


Discussion on SF1298

- Dan Kitzberger, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency

- Ivory Taylor, Housing Justice Center

- Larry McDonough, National Housing Law Project


Senator Draheim moved SF1298 be laid on the table, Senator Draheim requested division on the vote, there being 5 nos and 3 yeses, the motion failed


Senator Boldon moved that SF1298 as amended be recommended do pass and be referred to the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, Senator Draheim requested a roll call and that the vote by recorded in the Senate Journal


Chair Port - Y. Vice Chair Boldon - Y. Senator Draheim - N. Senator Housley - N. Senator Lucero - N. Senator Mohamed - Y. Senator Pha - Y. Senator Rest - Y.


There being 5 yeses and 3 nos, the motion prevailed

Senator Boldon moved that S.F. 1298, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m.

Senator Lindsey Port, Chair
Courtney Schaff, Legislative Assistant