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Taxes Committee
Thursday, April 13, 2023
8:30 AM, G-15 Capitol


Present: Senator Ann H. Rest - Chair, Senator Matt D. Klein - Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Kari Dziedzic, Senator Grant Hauschild, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Aric Putnam, Senator Bill Weber

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Ann H. Rest called the meeting to order at 8:41 a.m.

Call to Order

Quorum is Present.

Member Attending Remotely: Senator Dziedzic

Minutes from 4.4.23 were approved as presented.

S.F. 2684: Senator Kunesh: Omnibus Education appropriations.

Senator Klein moved the A8 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A8 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Weber moved an oral amendment to makes changes to the school bond levy referendum extension without voter approval. Senator Weber withdrew his amendment.

Senator Kunesh
Bettsy Hjelseth, Analyst for Education Finance Committee, Minnesota Senate
Jenna Hofer, Fiscal Analyst for Education Finance Committee, Minnesota Senate

Senator Klein moved SF 2684 be recommended to pass and referred to the Finance Committee as amended.

SF 2684 was recommended to pass to the Finance Committee as amended.

S.F. 1608: Senator Weber: Watershed district general fund levy maximum amount increase.

Senator Weber moved the A2 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A2 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Weber
Jan Voit, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts
(zoom) Tera Guetter, Administrator, Pelican River Watershed District

SF 1608 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 671: Senator Dibble: Rental motor vehicle tax and fee modification.

Senator Dibble
Paul Schroeder, President & CEO, HOURCAR
Russ Stark, Chief Resilience Officer, City of St. Paul
Will Schroeer, Chair, Twin Cities Shared Mobility Collaborative; Executive Director, East Metro Strong

SF 671 was laid over.

S.F. 3233: Senator Dibble: Additional financing of metropolitan area transit capital expenditures provisions and authorizing the issuance of certain obligations.

Senator Drazkowski moved the A1 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A1 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Dibble
Judd Schetnan, Director of Government Affairs, Metropolitan Council

SF 3233 was laid over as amended.

S.F. 3157: Senator Dibble: Active transportation program appropriations.

Senator Putnam moved the A50 Amendment. The motion prevailed and the A50 Amendment was adopted.

Senator Dibble
Krista Boyd, Fiscal Analyst for Transportation Committee, MN Senate
Bentley Graves, Director of Health Care and Transportation Policy, MN Chamber of Commerce
Jill Sims, Director of Government Relations, Hospitality Minnesota
Jamie Pfuhl, President, Minnesota Grocers Association
Aurora Vautrin, Political Director, 100% Minnesota
Margaret Donahoe, Executive Director, The MN Transportation Alliance
Eric Bernstein, Policy Director, We Make Minnesota
John Thorson, Legislative Director & Political Coordinator, LIUNA Minnesota and North Dakota
Brad Lehto, Secretary-Treasurer, Minnesota AFL/CIO
Katie Nicholson, Citizen, City of St. Paul
(zoom) Darwin Schaeferlane, Citizen, City of Bloomington

Senator Dibble moved SF 3157 be recommended to pass and referred to the Finance Committee as amended.

SF 3157 was recommended to pass to the finance committee as amended.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 a.m.

Senator Ann H. Rest, Chair
Christie Blood, Legislative Assistant