Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gustafson Chief Author List Saturday, March 8, 2025 SF 172 Gustafson; Seeberger; Housley; Hoffman; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 25-01076 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Small business tax allowance establishment
SF 185 Gustafson; Lang; Duckworth; Farnsworth; Miller Revisor No.: 25-01078 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Homestead market value exclusion amounts to veterans with a disability modification
SF 186 Gustafson Revisor No.: 25-01077 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Refundable income tax credit for certain teachers authorization
SF 187 Gustafson HF 206 Curran Revisor No.: 25-01139 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Vadnais Heights regional trail bond issue and appropriation
SF 188 Gustafson; Seeberger; Fateh; Clark HF 44 Curran Revisor No.: 25-00851 Topic: Food and Nutrition Short Description: Ortho-phthalate testing results reporting of packaged food requirement
SF 189 Gustafson; Lang; Duckworth; Abeler; Housley HF 1033 Norris Revisor No.: 25-00857 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation Short Description: Vehicle taxes and fee exemptions for eligible surviving spouses of a veteran authorization
SF 190 Gustafson; Seeberger; Housley; Hoffman HF 354 Huot Revisor No.: 25-01080 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Sports official assault enhanced penalties establishment
SF 191 Gustafson; Seeberger; Housley; Hoffman; Farnsworth HF 340 Stier Revisor No.: 25-00688 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Crime of fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle modification
SF 387 Gustafson; Housley; Johnson Stewart; Fateh Revisor No.: 25-00853 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Public safety aid establishment for local governments and tribal governments
SF 633 Gustafson HF 717 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01896 Topic: Counties-Specific Short Description: Anoka County Rice Creek Regional Trail bond issue and appropriation
SF 661 Gustafson; Housley Revisor No.: 25-01320 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Pilot program creation for provision of information technology assistance for small businesses
SF 662 Gustafson; Oumou Verbeten; Clark; Westlin; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01564 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Civil cause of action establishment for the nonconsensual removal of a condom
SF 799 Gustafson; Housley HF 1960 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-00695 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Displaced homemaker programs appropriation
SF 856 Gustafson; Draheim; Kreun; Putnam; Latz HF 1338 Norris Revisor No.: 25-02712 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Office of the Inspector General creation and appropriation
SF 860 Gustafson; Duckworth HF 385 Norris Revisor No.: 25-01097 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Certain discharges of indebtedness subtraction provision and certain discharges of indebtedness from income for purposes of the property tax refund and the renter's income tax credit exclusion provision
SF 882 Gustafson; Dornink; Kupec; Seeberger; Weber HF 985 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01603 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Soil health financial assistance program appropriation
SF 923 Gustafson; Housley HF 243 Curran Revisor No.: 25-02171 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: White Bear Lake Area Historical Society grant appropriation
SF 1055 Gustafson HF 1083 Moller Revisor No.: 25-00615 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Domestic abuse advocates prohibition from disclosing certain information
SF 1090 Gustafson; Xiong; Boldon HF 1228 Jordan Revisor No.: 25-02434 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Grants for lead risk assessments appropriation
SF 1183 Gustafson; Xiong; Nelson; Putnam; Miller HF 821 Jacob Revisor No.: 25-02794 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Nitrate private well mitigation appropriation
SF 1307 Gustafson; Boldon Revisor No.: 25-02334 Topic: Tobacco Products Short Description: Tobacco retailers requirement to offer for sale at leas one type of nicotine replacement therapy product
SF 1323 Gustafson; Rarick; Clark; Duckworth HF 1171 Rehrauer Revisor No.: 25-02991 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Mission modification of the Minnesota math corps program
SF 1400 Gustafson; Xiong Revisor No.: 25-01891 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Ramsey County youth mental health urgency room appropriation
SF 1474 Gustafson; Abeler; Boldon; Mann; Duckworth HF 1128 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-02469 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Public high schools requirement to participate in the direct admissions program
SF 1559 Gustafson; Putnam HF 1795 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-03696 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Farm to school and early care programs appropriation
SF 1664 Gustafson; Putnam HF 342 Scott Revisor No.: 25-02468 Topic: Arts Short Description: Haven for Heroes appropriation
SF 1814 Gustafson; Lieske HF 1379 Baker Revisor No.: 25-02616 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Nonopioid directives usage authorization provision and certain acts of failure to act immunity establishment provision
SF 1950 Gustafson; Kupec; Boldon HF 1098 Sencer-Mura Revisor No.: 25-00652 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Food shelf facilities infrastructure appropriation
SF 1951 Gustafson HF 1468 Engen Revisor No.: 25-03636 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: City of Circle Pines full-service deputy registrar's office establishment provision
SF 2000 Gustafson; Kupec; Mohamed; Abeler; Hauschild HF 1582 Wolgamott Revisor No.: 25-03662 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Teachers Retirement Association provisions modifications and appropriation
SF 2186 Gustafson; Rasmusson; Abeler HF 1966 Berg Revisor No.: 25-02936 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Minnesota Association of Alternative programs grant appropriation for certain student activities
SF 2233 Gustafson HF 1597 Norris Revisor No.: 25-04028 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Yellow Alert System establishment Task Force creation provision and appropriation
SF 2236 Gustafson Revisor No.: 25-00540 Topic: Courts Short Description: Office of Administrative Hearings renaming to the Court of Administrative Hearings provision and remand opportunity provision
SF 2249 Gustafson; Clark Revisor No.: 25-04215 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: School districts and charter schools that do not participate in the free school meals program providing notice to parents and students requirement
SF 2335 Gustafson; Carlson; Putnam; Clark; Mohamed Revisor No.: 25-02932 Topic: Resolutions Short Description: A resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment; asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such a clarification