Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Johnson Stewart Chief Author List Sunday, March 9, 2025 SF 215 Johnson Stewart; Cwodzinski HF 721 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-00844 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: The Marsh in Minnetonka bond issue and appropriation
SF 249 Johnson Stewart; Rest; Abeler; Kunesh HF 1802 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-00977 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Credit modification for attaining a master's degree in licensure field to include a master's degree in special education
SF 862 Johnson Stewart; Hauschild; Frentz; Jasinski HF 724 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-01553 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Water infrastructure funding program modifications provisions, point source implementation grant program modifications provisions, emerging contaminants grant program establishment and bond issuance and appropriation
SF 925 Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Hauschild; Westrom HF 1612 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-02632 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Aggregate resource inventory appropriation
SF 926 Johnson Stewart; Kunesh; Maye Quade; Port; Dibble HF 1319 Pursell Revisor No.: 25-02480 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Sexual and reproductive health services grants appropriation
SF 932 Johnson Stewart; Pappas; Mohamed; Fateh; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-02772 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Minnesota Health Plan establishment
SF 1000 Johnson Stewart; Mitchell HF 1613 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-02641 Topic: Task Forces Short Description: Recommendation of Aggregate Resources Task Force implementation
SF 1001 Johnson Stewart; Dibble HF 1087 Greene Revisor No.: 25-01935 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: I-494 Corridor Commission appropriation
SF 1233 Johnson Stewart; Lang; Carlson; Jasinski; Bahr HF 1478 Freiberg Revisor No.: 25-00636 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Priority criteria for public land survey system monument grant program modification and appropriation
SF 1234 Johnson Stewart HF 1064 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-01535 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Wayzata downtown lakeshore improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1235 Johnson Stewart HF 408 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02831 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Minnetrista drinking water infrastructure improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1236 Johnson Stewart HF 404 Myers Revisor No.: 25-00038 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Excelsior street reconstruction public infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 1327 Johnson Stewart HF 406 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02930 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Mound water treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 1328 Johnson Stewart HF 407 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02838 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Westonka Community Food Shelf appropriation
SF 1360 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski HF 739 Olson Revisor No.: 25-00433 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Implements of husbandry speed limit increase to 35 miles per hour provision
SF 1361 Johnson Stewart; Jasinski; Dibble; Howe HF 1520 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-00434 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Various driver's licenses provisions modifications
SF 1383 Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Cwodzinski; Kunesh; Boldon HF 955 Hanson, J. Revisor No.: 25-01544 Topic: Native Americans Short Description: Financial assurance requirements for nonferrous permit to mine modification
SF 1487 Johnson Stewart; Howe; Dibble; Jasinski; Carlson HF 185 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-01907 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Resilient pavement program establishment for certain trunk highway project modifications to pavement design life
SF 1537 Johnson Stewart; Hawj; Hauschild HF 1019 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-02834 Topic: Arts Short Description: Minnesota Public Radio appropriation
SF 1714 Johnson Stewart; Rarick; Lang; McEwen HF 1234 Scott Revisor No.: 25-02075 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Public contracts payment transparency requirement provision
SF 1751 Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Hauschild; Hawj HF 1071 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-03762 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Recommendations of Aggregate Resources Task Force implementation
SF 1760 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-02990 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Use limitation of the westbound E-ZPass lane on Interstate Highway 394
SF 1802 Johnson Stewart; Kunesh; McEwen HF 1387 Curran Revisor No.: 25-03958 Topic: Fish and Fishing Short Description: Lead tackle sale, manufacture, and use prohibition provision
SF 1836 Johnson Stewart; Abeler; Carlson; Mitchell HF 1509 Jones Revisor No.: 25-02242 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Authority limitation to issue certain citations to pedestrians
SF 1903 Johnson Stewart; Jasinski; Dibble Revisor No.: 25-03929 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Work zone safety and work zone driving rules requirement as driver education and driver examination subjects
SF 1904 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Carlson; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-04141 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Electric vehicles authorization to use high-occupancy and dynamic shoulder lanes without a fee
SF 2005 Johnson Stewart; Howe; Dibble; Jasinski HF 422 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-02243 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Safe routes to school and active transportation programs appropriation
SF 2091 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski Revisor No.: 25-04267 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Corridors of commerce program appropriation
SF 2092 Johnson Stewart; Dibble Revisor No.: 25-04198 Topic: Motor Vehicles Short Description: Kilowatt per hour tax enactment for electric vehicle charging
SF 2093 Johnson Stewart; Dibble HF 1685 Kraft Revisor No.: 25-04052 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Commissioner of Minnesota IT services direction to integrate the transit assistance program into the Minnesota benefits web portal
SF 2094 Johnson Stewart; Fateh HF 1804 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-04005 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Various requirements governing active transportation modification
SF 2131 Johnson Stewart; Pappas; Port; Oumou Verbeten Revisor No.: 25-03873 Topic: Elections Short Description: Ranked choice voting jurisdictional authorization for local offices provision, local jurisdictions ranked choice voting adoption, implementation, and usage procedures establishment, and appropriation
SF 2136 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski HF 1781 Tabke Revisor No.: 25-00247 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Various transportation policy provisions modifications
SF 2185 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04375 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Local roads and bridges bond issue and appropriation
SF 2196 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04118 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipalities authorization to charge a street impact fee
SF 2197 Johnson Stewart HF 1970 Virnig Revisor No.: 25-04265 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Financial assistance pilot program establishment to attend driver's education courses
SF 2198 Johnson Stewart HF 268 Koznick Revisor No.: 25-02324 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Certain limitations establishment on use of interest or investment income from transportation revenue
SF 2208 Johnson Stewart; Pha; Maye Quade HF 1558 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 25-03083 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Girl Scouts River Valleys grant appropriation
SF 2332 Johnson Stewart; Nelson; Carlson; McEwen HF 1335 Tabke Revisor No.: 25-00882 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Electronic drivers' licenses authorization
SF 2365 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04431 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Lake Minnetonka shoreline restoration grant appropriation
SF 2366 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04110 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipal street improvement district establishment authorization provision
SF 2367 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04379 Topic: Arts Short Description: Wayzata Section House renovation and conversion into a Lakeshore Learning Center appropriation
SF 2385 Johnson Stewart; Hawj Revisor No.: 25-04397 Topic: Arts Short Description: Hong De Wu Guan appropriation to create cultural arts projects and to preserve traditional performances