Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Koran Chief Author List Sunday, March 23, 2025 SF 311 Koran; Gruenhagen HF 705 Davis Revisor No.: 25-01032 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Self-defense use of force provisions modifications
SF 312 Koran HF 878 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01309 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: North Branch Area Hockey Association appropriation
SF 313 Koran Revisor No.: 25-01036 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Denial of the right of a person to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry prohibition
SF 314 Koran HF 599 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01354 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipal ID acceptance for state and federal services prohibition
SF 315 Koran HF 1788 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01314 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Interchange at Interstate Highway 35 and 400th Street in North Branch appropriation
SF 317 Koran HF 607 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01315 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Interchange at Interstate Highway 35 and County State-Aid Highway 19 in Chisago County bond issue and appropriation
SF 318 Koran HF 609 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01310 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Wyoming public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 319 Koran HF 1446 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01037 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Crime of altering controlled substances with fentanyl penalty establishment
SF 320 Koran HF 321 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01363 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Undocumented noncitizens ineligibility for early release from incarceration establishment; undocumented noncitizens ineligibility for prosecutor-initiated sentence adjustments establishment
SF 321 Koran HF 322 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01364 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Crimes committed after unlawful reentry of for the benefit of a transnational crime organization penalty increase
SF 322 Koran HF 1848 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01361 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Data held by law enforcement agencies regarding the person or entity that posted bail is public authorization; notice to the agency custody of the arrested or detained person when bail or a bond is posted requirement
SF 324 Koran HF 1728 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01462 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission maintenance of a publicly searchable database requirement and appropriation
SF 325 Koran; Limmer HF 962 Novotny Revisor No.: 25-01362 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Peace officer exclusion from discipline for inclusion on the Brady-Giglio lists; Brady-Giglio lists examination task force establishment
SF 327 Koran; Lang; Bahr Revisor No.: 25-01045 Topic: Firearms and Weapons Short Description: Lawful carry and possession of firearms at the State Fairgrounds establishment
SF 369 Koran; Housley HF 879 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01316 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Lakes Area Police Commission new regional training and public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 370 Koran; Housley HF 608 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01312 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Shafer marked U.S. Highway 8 roundabout construction bond issue and appropriation
SF 371 Koran; Coleman HF 988 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01030 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Reporting provision of student fights
SF 372 Koran; Housley HF 605 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01311 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Earlier appropriation for flood hazard mitigation amendment
SF 399 Koran; Wesenberg; Lieske; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01035 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Permitted and trained school staff permission to carry firearms
SF 499 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr HF 414 Franson Revisor No.: 25-01040 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Data practices complaints filing fee reduction provision
SF 535 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lieske; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01041 Topic: Elections Short Description: Counties, municipalities and school districts acceptance of certain contributions for election expenses prohibition
SF 600 Koran; Bahr; Limmer; Mathews; Lucero HF 993 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01260 Topic: Elections Short Description: Temporary polling locations publication requirement provision
SF 639 Koran; Bahr; Lucero; Mathews; Weber HF 638 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-01033 Topic: Elections Short Description: Political subdivisions establishment or enforcement of ranked-choice voting prohibition
SF 640 Koran HF 595 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01358 Topic: Elections Short Description: Election judge party affiliation as public data on individuals classification
SF 641 Koran HF 991 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01359 Topic: Elections Short Description: Local governments acceptance of certain contributions for election expenses prohibition
SF 642 Koran HF 600 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01039 Topic: Elections Short Description: Major political parties acceptance of contributions during the legislative session prohibition
SF 643 Koran; Lucero; Anderson; Drazkowski; Draheim HF 16 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-02451 Topic: Law Enforcement Short Description: Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition
SF 644 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Utke HF 596 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01826 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Election judge party affiliation classification as public data on individuals
SF 645 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lang Revisor No.: 25-01038 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Public union release time restriction
SF 646 Koran; Utke; Lieske; Abeler; Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01028 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Licensee fee reduction for manufacturers and wholesalers of medical gas
SF 647 Koran HF 1431 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01259 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Grounds for recall of state officials amendment
SF 648 Koran HF 606 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01043 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: FATHER Project grant appropriation
SF 649 Koran HF 986 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01031 Topic: Elections Short Description: Data classification in the statewide voter registration system
SF 650 Koran HF 987 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01047 Topic: Elections Short Description: Orderly annexation election proceedings and detachment provisions modification
SF 652 Koran; Anderson HF 2015 Harder Revisor No.: 25-01357 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Growth limitation of state employment
SF 653 Koran HF 2273 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01366 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Cambridge Trunk Highway 95 infrastructure improvements and railroad relocation projects bond issue and appropriation
SF 759 Koran; Limmer HF 1117 Duran Revisor No.: 25-00726 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Disarming of peace officers who are in good standing by local units of government prohibition provision
SF 839 Koran; Gruenhagen; Lieske; Utke HF 91 Backer Revisor No.: 25-01048 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Parent or legal guardian requirement to be present for vaccine administration to a minor
SF 840 Koran; Wesenberg; Rarick; Hoffman; Mathews HF 647 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-01044 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Mt. Simon-Hinckley aquifer certain water appropriations authorization
SF 995 Koran HF 990 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01360 Topic: Elections Short Description: Entities or organizations that receive state funding prohibition from making campaign expenditures or otherwise expending money for any political purpose
SF 997 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Howe HF 880 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01356 Topic: Energy Short Description: Community solar garden subscribers requirement to reside in the same county as the solar garden generating facility
SF 1166 Koran; Mathews; Limmer; Lucero; Nelson HF 1513 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01034 Topic: Elections Short Description: Photo ID requirement to register to vote and to vote requirement; voter identification card and provisional ballot establishment; appropriating money
SF 1216 Koran; Draheim; Utke HF 21 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-01620 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Peacetime emergency extension beyond 14 days approval by supermajority of each house of the legislator requirement provision
SF 1217 Koran; Weber; Mathews HF 992 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01269 Topic: Elections Short Description: Absentee and early voting polling places challengers authorization provision
SF 1218 Koran; Howe; Mathews HF 1411 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-01027 Topic: Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Short Description: Bail Abatement Nonprofit Exclusion (BANE) Act establishment provision
SF 1219 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Howe; Coleman HF 1 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-02154 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Office of the Inspector General establishment; requiring a fraud hotline; Requiring agencies to halt payment when fraud is suspected; elimination of agency based offices of inspector general; appropriation
SF 1243 Koran HF 1475 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01046 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan Council abolishment
SF 1397 Koran; Drazkowski; Mathews HF 1432 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01029 Topic: Government-Employees Short Description: Training requirements for state managerial employees development
SF 1549 Koran; Mathews; Bahr; Wesenberg HF 2611 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-02560 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Cambridge regional shelter facility appropriation
SF 1772 Koran; Drazkowski HF 1240 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02279 Topic: Legislature Short Description: Policy related to the legislative auditor modification
SF 1773 Koran; Drazkowski HF 1239 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02280 Topic: Law Enforcement Short Description: Certain violation of law related to misuse of public funds requirement to be reported to law enforcement
SF 1774 Koran; Mathews; Bahr; Limmer; Lucero HF 1447 Quam Revisor No.: 25-03126 Topic: Elections Short Description: Disclosure requirement of contributors who contribute less than $200 who live outside the area represented by the candidate
SF 1776 Koran; Lang; Dahms HF 833 Dotseth Revisor No.: 25-02048 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation Short Description: Special license plate establishment for veterans who received the Army of Occupation Medal
SF 1988 Koran; Limmer HF 428 Scott Revisor No.: 25-01411 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Correspondence in government record retention law correspondence definition; three-year retention period for correspondence establishment
SF 2069 Koran; Rasmusson Revisor No.: 25-04031 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: Metropolitan State University cyber range services funding authorization and appropriation
SF 2232 Koran; Carlson; Mathews; Westlin HF 2428 Virnig Revisor No.: 25-03996 Topic: Elections Short Description: Various election administration provisions modifications
SF 2399 Koran; Bahr; Drazkowski HF 915 Quam Revisor No.: 25-03099 Topic: Government-Employees Short Description: Small local government employers exemption from the Minnesota Paid Leave Law
SF 2488 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1618 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04144 Topic: Elections Short Description: Accessing voter reports in a timely manner improvement provision
SF 2489 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1617 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04145 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voting systems testing improvements provision
SF 2490 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1619 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04143 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter history access in a timely manner improvements provision
SF 2491 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1664 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02225 Topic: Elections Short Description: Ballot board activity livestreaming requirement provision, commissioner information technology providing livestreaming services and retention of data requirement provision, and appropriation
SF 2492 Koran; Mathews; Lucero HF 1235 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01845 Topic: Elections Short Description: Statewide voter registration system data classification provision
SF 2493 Koran; Bahr; Lucero HF 1253 Davis Revisor No.: 25-03864 Topic: Elections Short Description: Absentee ballots return on election day requirements provisions modifications and certain voters absentee voting period modifications provision
SF 2692 Koran; Weber Revisor No.: 25-04448 Topic: Gambling and Lottery Short Description: Charitable gambling rates modification
SF 2693 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1872 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04063 Topic: Elections Short Description: Requirements modification for identifying and verifying a candidate's residence on an affidavit of candidacy
SF 2694 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1663 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04065 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Certain officials in the cities of the first, second, or third class requirement to file a statement of economic interest with the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
SF 2695 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1496 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01975 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter verification requirement before mail delivery of an absentee ballot
SF 2696 Koran; Lucero HF 1495 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04064 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain candidates, candidate representatives, and political parties permission to observe the work of absentee ballot boards
SF 2697 Koran; Lucero HF 1800 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04257 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain voting provisions modification
SF 2698 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1494 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01852 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter who register on election day requirement to cast provisional ballots
SF 2699 Koran; Utke; Abeler HF 1850 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-03183 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Fluoridation of public water supplies provisions modification
SF 2700 Koran Revisor No.: 25-04201 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County corridor improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 2701 Koran Revisor No.: 25-04200 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County intersection improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 2702 Koran HF 2343 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04534 Topic: Elections Short Description: Date of the state primary modification from August to May
SF 2907 Koran Revisor No.: 25-00733 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Sunset of correctional fees repeal
SF 2918 Koran; Mathews; Lucero; Bahr HF 931 Nash Revisor No.: 25-00991 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain mailings containing an absentee ballot application or sample ballot send on the behalf of a committee or other private organization requirements provision