Organized by last name.
2023 - 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wesenberg Chief Author List Tuesday, December 31, 2024 SF 632 Wesenberg; Pratt; Lieske; Utke; Lang HF 327 Gillman Revisor No.: 23-01524 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Closure of shooting ranges prohibition during a state of emergency
SF 724 Wesenberg; Lieske; Gruenhagen; Bahr HF 1086 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-02391 Topic: Athletics Short Description: Participation in athletic teams provision
SF 867 Wesenberg; Jasinski; Murphy HF 616 Kresha Revisor No.: 23-02202 Topic: Arts Short Description: Morrison County C.A. Weyerhaeuser Museum bond issue and appropriation
SF 874 Wesenberg; Jasinski; Hoffman; Housley; Abeler HF 919 Kresha Revisor No.: 23-02488 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Lake Shamineau High Water Project bond issue and appropriation
SF 1072 Wesenberg; Bahr; Mathews; Lieske; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 23-02295 Topic: Military and Military Affairs Department Short Description: Defend the Guard Act establishment
SF 1073 Wesenberg HF 761 Schultz Revisor No.: 23-02640 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Swanville water system improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1408 Wesenberg; Duckworth HF 1441 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-03248 Topic: Telecommunications and Information Technology Short Description: Broadband grants permission to be used for fixed wireless broadband and clarifying broadband mapping requirements
SF 1503 Wesenberg; Bahr; Lieske; Mathews; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 23-02437 Topic: Resolutions Short Description: A resolution expressing concern of the Minnesota Legislature regarding the deployment of members of the Minnesota National Guard into combat of wars not declared by Congress; urging Congress and the President of the United States to respect their constitutional roles regarding the declaration of war
SF 1766 Wesenberg; Lieske; Bahr; Gruenhagen; Green HF 1805 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-03418 Topic: Courts Short Description: Penalties for antitrust violations increase
SF 1767 Wesenberg; Lieske; Green; Farnsworth; Koran HF 1931 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-03424 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Force in self-defense law clarification; common law duty to retreat in cases of self-defense outside the home elimination; boundaries of dwelling for purposes of self-defense expansion; presumption of right to self-defense creation
SF 1821 Wesenberg Revisor No.: 23-03604 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Lake Mille Lacs area economic relief program loan forgiveness authorization
SF 2078 Wesenberg; Mathews HF 2454 Schultz Revisor No.: 23-03600 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Supplemental county program aid payment provision in 2024
SF 2170 Wesenberg; Eichorn; Farnsworth HF 2379 Davis Revisor No.: 23-03960 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Northwoods Regional ATV Trail System appropriation
SF 2534 Wesenberg; Farnsworth; Lieske; Lucero; Kreun HF 2597 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-04179 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: 4-H shooting sports events participation appropriation
SF 2535 Wesenberg HF 2268 Schultz Revisor No.: 23-04031 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Ogilvie wastewater treatment infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 2577 Wesenberg; Hawj; Lieske; Eichorn; Lucero HF 2596 Wiener Revisor No.: 23-04189 Topic: Fish and Fishing Short Description: Paperless angling, hunting, and trapping licenses requirement unless requested in paper format; appropriating money
SF 3135 Wesenberg; Utke HF 3073 Kresha Revisor No.: 23-04742 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Board of Water and Soil Resources powers and duties modification
SF 3190 Wesenberg; Eichorn; Hawj HF 2168 Hemmingsen-Jaeger Revisor No.: 23-03652 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Burning certification-related activities appropriations
SF 3833 Wesenberg; Lieske; Green; Eichorn; Lang HF 3968 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-06738 Topic: Hunting and Game Short Description: Open season for wolves requirement provision
SF 3834 Wesenberg; Green; Eichorn; Lang; Drazkowski HF 3854 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-06693 Topic: Fish and Fishing Short Description: Walleye stocking provisions modifications
SF 3836 Wesenberg; Farnsworth HF 3730 Kresha Revisor No.: 24-05956 Topic: Lands Short Description: Aitkin County private sale of certain tax-forfeited lands authorization
SF 4246 Wesenberg; Drazkowski; Koran; Bahr; Westrom HF 4257 Hudson Revisor No.: 24-06988 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act establishment
SF 4264 Wesenberg; Drazkowski; Lieske; Bahr; Hoffman HF 4386 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07011 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Income tax zero bracket establishment
SF 4265 Wesenberg; Howe; Limmer HF 4307 Baker Revisor No.: 24-06547 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Fentanyl offenses penalization at the same level as heroin offenses conforming change establishment
SF 4533 Wesenberg; Lieske; Drazkowski; Eichorn HF 4639 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07341 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Baiting of deer authorization
SF 4534 Wesenberg; Hawj; Hoffman; Green; Lieske HF 4636 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07342 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Eagles and Loons impact study requirement
SF 4535 Wesenberg; Kreun; Eichorn; Farnsworth; Kupec Revisor No.: 24-07115 Topic: Real Estate Short Description: Owner restriction of access to an easement held by a government authorization
SF 4536 Wesenberg; Kreun; Eichorn; Farnsworth; Kupec Revisor No.: 24-07116 Topic: Real Estate Short Description: Actual notice for easements held by a government entity requirement
SF 4537 Wesenberg; Eichorn; Lieske Revisor No.: 24-07406 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Board of Animal Health authority over farmed white-tailed deer return authorization; Cervidae farming modification; appropriating money
SF 4637 Wesenberg; Drazkowski; Eichorn; Hawj; Bahr HF 4638 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07434 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Accumulation of bear hunter preference points for youth permission
SF 4638 Wesenberg; Hawj; Eichorn; Bahr; Lieske HF 4640 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07446 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Taking feral swine causing damage authorization
SF 4639 Wesenberg; Lieske; Mathews; Duckworth; Coleman HF 4637 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07451 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Credit provision for certain instructional expenses
SF 4671 Wesenberg; Lieske; Drazkowski; Rarick; Eichorn HF 4785 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07499 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Use authorization of unmanned aerial vehicles to assist in locating and recovering deceased dead game
SF 4672 Wesenberg HF 4570 Schultz Revisor No.: 24-07444 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Gilman sewer and stormwater infrastructure improvements and street reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
SF 4698 Wesenberg; Farnsworth HF 4560 Kresha Revisor No.: 24-07366 Topic: Lands-State Short Description: Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties private sale authorization of certain tax-forfeited lands
SF 4769 Wesenberg; Lieske; Drazkowski HF 4807 Olson, B. Revisor No.: 24-06844 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional amendment proposal to adopt the official state flag design
SF 4817 Wesenberg; Drazkowski; Lieske; Koran; Eichorn HF 4791 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07569 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Gadsden flags ban prohibition
SF 4902 Wesenberg HF 4891 Kresha Revisor No.: 24-07740 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Flensburg water and sewer infrastructure improvements and street reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
SF 4915 Wesenberg; Mann; Drazkowski; Green; Lieske HF 4985 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07152 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional amendment proposal to provide term limits for governor and lieutenant governor
SF 4916 Wesenberg; Drazkowski; Eichorn; Green; Kupec HF 4939 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07679 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Open season for moose during any year in which there is an open season for elk requirement provision
SF 5009 Wesenberg; Eichorn Revisor No.: 24-07695 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Farmed Cervidae fencing requirements modification
SF 5208 Wesenberg; Eichorn; Lang; Farnsworth Revisor No.: 24-07950 Topic: Lands Short Description: Use of purple paint in lieu of signage prohibiting trespassing authorization
SF 5209 Wesenberg; Lieske Revisor No.: 24-07955 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Commissioner of natural resources to provide unimpeded access to state forest roads for commercial purposes requirement provision
SF 5210 Wesenberg; Lieske HF 5227 Wiener Revisor No.: 24-07931 Topic: Fish and Fishing Short Description: Emergency importation of minnows to ensure adequate bait supply authorization
SF 5339 Wesenberg HF 5337 Schultz Revisor No.: 24-08129 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Benton County government center construction materials refundable sales and use tax exemption authorization
SF 5517 Wesenberg; Koran; Drazkowski; Lieske; Draheim Revisor No.: 24-08327 Topic: Firearms and Weapons Short Description: Person who steals a firearm requirement to report the theft promptly to law enforcement
SF 5534 Wesenberg Revisor No.: 24-08371 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Castration or sterilization of minors criminalization