Organized by last name.
2023 - 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pappas Chief Author List Tuesday, December 31, 2024 SF 34 Pappas; Maye Quade; Kunesh; Pha; Fateh HF 19 Olson, L. Revisor No.: 23-01416 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Earned sick and safe time provision and appropriation
SF 47 Pappas; Seeberger; Westlin; Mitchell; Pha HF 197 Bahner Revisor No.: 23-00642 Topic: Government-Federal Short Description: A resolution memorializing Congress to resolve that the requirements have been met to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
SF 119 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Mohamed; Murphy; Pha HF 208 Bahner Revisor No.: 23-00581 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional amendment making technical changes to certain terms to be consistent with language in Minnesota Statutes
SF 325 Pappas; Housley; Frentz; Putnam; Dahms HF 459 Wolgamott Revisor No.: 23-01512 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Centers of independent living grants appropriation
SF 407 Pappas; Murphy; Hawj HF 1247 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-01727 Topic: Arts Short Description: Science Museum of Minnesota appropriation
SF 410 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Westlin; Carlson HF 952 Bahner Revisor No.: 23-01096 Topic: Human Rights and Human Rights Department Short Description: Review requirement of Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules for compliance with the Equal Rights Amendment
SF 411 Pappas; Murphy; Mitchell Revisor No.: 23-01098 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Reimbursement grants provision to local units of government for public safety personnel on authorized leave
SF 412 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Westlin; Carlson HF 818 Feist Revisor No.: 23-01917 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Violence prevention project research center appropriation
SF 413 Pappas; Murphy; Frentz; Kupec; Marty HF 782 Becker-Finn Revisor No.: 23-01993 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program Act
SF 454 Pappas HF 578 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-02047 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: St. Paul Innovation Center appropriation
SF 533 Pappas; Xiong; Murphy; Seeberger; Hawj HF 709 Xiong Revisor No.: 23-02434 Topic: Boards Short Description: Hmong Cultural Center Museum appropriation
SF 674 Pappas; Murphy; Champion HF 869 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-02427 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Walker West Music academy grant appropriation to acquire and improve property to support youth music education
SF 675 Pappas; Port; Pha; Hawj; Marty HF 968 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-01872 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: St. Paul day shelter appropriation
SF 676 Pappas; Dibble; Kunesh HF 669 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-02462 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Spending authorization to acquire and better land and buildings and for other improvements of capital nature with certain conditions
SF 677 Pappas; Kupec; Kunesh HF 670 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-02461 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Spending authorization to acquire and better land and buildings and for other improvements of capital nature with certain conditions
SF 689 Pappas; McEwen; Miller; Nelson; Rest HF 935 Pelowski Revisor No.: 23-01743 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Port development assistance program bond issue and appropriation
SF 831 Pappas Revisor No.: 23-01099 Topic: Insurance-Health Short Description: Prescription contraceptives supply requirements establishment; contraceptives, services, sterilization, education, and counseling health plan coverage requirement; eligible organization accommodations establishment
SF 1002 Pappas; Housley; Pratt; Xiong HF 1111 Lillie Revisor No.: 23-02324 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Metropolitan regional parks and trails bond issue and appropriation
SF 1007 Pappas; Morrison; Abeler; Hoffman; Hawj HF 1263 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-00774 Topic: Arts Short Description: Minnesota Children's Museum appropriation
SF 1041 Pappas; Limmer; Westlin; Oumou Verbeten HF 1608 Tabke Revisor No.: 23-02625 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Challenge incarceration program modification
SF 1180 Pappas HF 1135 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-01547 Topic: Buildings and Building Codes Short Description: Integration of weather trends in designing and operating public buildings to reduce operational costs and prevent damage from extreme weather events research appropriation
SF 1181 Pappas HF 1134 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-01551 Topic: Minnesota Management and Budget Department Short Description: Commissioner of management and budget submission of evaluations of capital improvement project requests relating to jails to the legislature requirement; county jails study and report by the commissioner of corrections requirement
SF 1182 Pappas HF 1131 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-01550 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Nonstate funding and capital project submission requirements for projects requesting state assistance modification
SF 1183 Pappas HF 1133 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-01549 Topic: Minnesota Management and Budget Department Short Description: Minnesota Management and Budget appropriation to increase the agency's capacity to assist certain groups and organizations with the capital budget process and coordinate with state agencies regarding the administration of capital project appropriations and programs
SF 1286 Pappas Revisor No.: 23-03258 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Investment rate of return assumption reduction and funding provision
SF 1287 Pappas HF 1214 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-02781 Topic: Landlords and Tenants Short Description: Community Stabilization Project grant appropriation for services to renters and property owners in low-income and underrepresented communities
SF 1305 Pappas; Hawj; Oumou Verbeten; Murphy HF 1345 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03024 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: St. Paul Eastbound Kellogg Boulevard Bridge bond issue and appropriation
SF 1309 Pappas HF 1927 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-03117 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Open Arms Minnesota appropriation
SF 1310 Pappas; Murphy HF 1579 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-02396 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Neighborhood House appropriation
SF 1351 Pappas; Latz HF 1321 Tabke Revisor No.: 23-00447 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Indeterminate Sentence Release Board establishment
SF 1393 Pappas; Frentz; Eichorn; Nelson; Rasmusson HF 1201 Nelson, M. Revisor No.: 23-02085 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Cap increase on the employer contribution to the international union of operating engineers pension fund
SF 1403 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Housley; Murphy HF 1341 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-02013 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Accessible Space, Inc. low-income accessible housing units capital improvements appropriation
SF 1504 Pappas HF 2282 Finke Revisor No.: 23-03273 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Department of Corrections' work release program expansion appropriation
SF 1550 Pappas HF 1132 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-01548 Topic: Buildings and Building Codes Short Description: Withholding requirement for certain grant funds for capital projects before receipts of an approval of compliance with sustainable building guidelines
SF 1586 Pappas HF 1539 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-03538 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Metropolitan regional parks and trails bond issue and appropriation
SF 1616 Pappas; Abeler; Howe; Maye Quade; Murphy HF 1695 Nelson, M. Revisor No.: 23-03137 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: SEIU healthcare agreement ratification
SF 1621 Pappas; Hoffman; Murphy; Abeler HF 908 Agbaje Revisor No.: 23-02818 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Minnesota Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board Act
SF 1647 Pappas; Xiong; Jasinski; Hawj HF 964 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-00780 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: St. Paul Shepard Road public realm bond issue appropriation
SF 1740 Pappas HF 1719 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-02357 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Metropolitan Center for Independent Living appropriation
SF 1741 Pappas; Mohamed HF 2003 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03529 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for building construction
SF 1742 Pappas Revisor No.: 23-03171 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Administrative changes to the statutes governing the retirement plans administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association
SF 1819 Pappas HF 1511 Feist Revisor No.: 23-00363 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Corrections provisions modifications
SF 1825 Pappas HF 1509 Feist Revisor No.: 23-00364 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Public hearings for 16- and 17-year old juveniles in delinquency proceedings elimination
SF 1956 Pappas HF 1759 Huot Revisor No.: 23-00462 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Minnesota Emergency Incident Response Act
SF 1970 Pappas HF 1531 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-03577 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: East Grand Forks Minnesota Department of Agriculture potato inspection facility capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1971 Pappas HF 1984 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03296 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: The Black Gate appropriation
SF 1972 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 1233 Pinto Revisor No.: 23-01354 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Visual inspection modification of children and youth in detention facilities
SF 1987 Pappas; Mohamed HF 2072 Xiong Revisor No.: 23-03810 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: African Economic Development Solutions appropriation for a loan fund
SF 2066 Pappas HF 2103 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 23-03876 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: St. Paul the Wellstone Center renovation appropriation
SF 2262 Pappas HF 2768 Clardy Revisor No.: 23-02322 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Thompson County Park in Dakota County bond issue and appropriation
SF 2347 Pappas HF 2841 Clardy Revisor No.: 23-04002 Topic: Waste and Waste Management Short Description: West St. Paul wastewater infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 2366 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Murphy; Hawj HF 2449 Hollins Revisor No.: 23-03926 Topic: Taxation Short Description: City of St. Paul new sales and use tax imposition authorization
SF 2417 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten Revisor No.: 23-03400 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Forfeiture of a peace officer's pension upon a felony conviction requirement
SF 2433 Pappas HF 2645 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04165 Topic: Arts Short Description: TaikoArts Midwest grant appropriation
SF 2484 Pappas HF 2026 Huot Revisor No.: 23-03655 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: State fire marshal account establishment
SF 2502 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Champion; Mitchell HF 2155 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-02689 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Behavior intervention and rehabilitation of at-risk youth appropriation
SF 2503 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten; Mann; Mohamed; Abeler HF 2236 Hassan Revisor No.: 23-03711 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Skin-lightening Public Awareness and Education Grant Program establishment and appropriation
SF 2571 Pappas; Champion; Pratt; Hawj; Pha HF 2559 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03867 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Hmong American Partnership grant appropriation
SF 2743 Pappas HF 2427 Klevorn Revisor No.: 23-04310 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board updating of the Capitol Mall Design Framework requirement and appropriation
SF 2825 Pappas; Murphy; Oumou Verbeten; Westlin HF 2828 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04520 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Local governmental units prohibition or possession restriction of dangerous weapons, ammunition, or explosives in local government-owned or leased buildings and land authorization
SF 2828 Pappas HF 2781 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04445 Topic: Arts Short Description: Minnesota Transportation Museum appropriation
SF 2878 Pappas HF 2921 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04492 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: St. Paul Rondo Innovation Campus appropriation
SF 2892 Pappas HF 2880 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-02208 Topic: Lands-State Short Description: Spending authorization to acquire and better public land and buildings and for other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions
SF 2980 Pappas; Boldon; Maye Quade HF 2397 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03929 Topic: Human Rights and Human Rights Department Short Description: Minnesota Migration Act and Minnesota Migration Act account establishment and appropriation
SF 3009 Pappas; Dibble HF 2618 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04425 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Rice Street Capitol Area redesign project appropriation
SF 3025 Pappas; Nelson HF 2928 Nelson, M. Revisor No.: 23-04606 Topic: Fire and Firefighters Short Description: Volunteer firefighter relief association's special fund asset or liability threshold increase for required annual financial report and audited financial statements authorization
SF 3059 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 3063 Fischer Revisor No.: 23-04355 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Provision removing law regarding collection of DNA data without a conviction and the removal of certain biological specimens and records from the DNA index system
SF 3091 Pappas HF 2969 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-04702 Topic: University of Minnesota Short Description: University of Minnesota Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement bond issue and appropriation
SF 3092 Pappas HF 2989 Reyer Revisor No.: 23-04619 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Creating a new green infrastructure grant program, amending criteria for certain projects funded through the clean water and drinking water revolving funds and appropriations
SF 3093 Pappas HF 2970 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 23-04701 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities bond issuance and appropriation
SF 3102 Pappas; Hawj; Oumou Verbeten HF 3087 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04473 Topic: Arts Short Description: Penumbra Theatre Company appropriation
SF 3148 Pappas HF 3083 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-03822 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: St. Paul blighted property redevelopment bond issue and appropriation
SF 3159 Pappas HF 3107 Hussein Revisor No.: 23-04799 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Rondo Community Land Trust grant appropriation
SF 3181 Pappas HF 5093 Her Revisor No.: 23-04710 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: YWCA St. Paul grant appropriation
SF 3207 Pappas HF 3162 Lee, K. Revisor No.: 23-04842 Topic: Taxation Short Description: St. Paul special tax increment financing authority provision
SF 3232 Pappas; Johnson; Port; Kunesh; Koran HF 3210 Pursell Revisor No.: 23-04840 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Cooperative manufactured housing infrastructure grant program bond issue and appropriation
SF 3365 Pappas; McEwen; Marty; Kunesh; Fateh Revisor No.: 23-05001 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Eliminating contracting restrictions on the legislature and executive branch based on vendor practices towards Israel
SF 3366 Pappas Revisor No.: 24-05877 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Irreducible Grace Foundation appropriations modifications
SF 3394 Pappas; Hoffman HF 3423 Hicks Revisor No.: 24-05723 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Red Wing existing nursing facility rate exception extension
SF 3395 Pappas HF 3517 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-05910 Topic: Historic Sites and Historical Societies Short Description: Justus Ramsey Stone House relocation appropriation
SF 3483 Pappas; Mann; Putnam; Pha HF 3603 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 24-06413 Topic: Arts Short Description: Minnesota Latino Museum bond issue and appropriation
SF 3544 Pappas HF 3522 Nelson, M. Revisor No.: 24-06354 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Review and access expansion of personnel records for private sector employees
SF 3545 Pappas HF 3520 Pinto Revisor No.: 24-06151 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Conforming the age range for hiring a minor to engage in prostitution
SF 3546 Pappas; Abeler; Dibble; Boldon; McEwen HF 3387 Her Revisor No.: 24-05817 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Licensed traditional midwife authority to obtain, possess, and administer certain drugs, supplies, and devices clarification
SF 3547 Pappas HF 4315 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-06444 Topic: Athletics Short Description: Ramsey County Biff Adams Arena ice plant installation bonding issuance and appropriation
SF 3574 Pappas; Gustafson; Frentz HF 3636 Cha Revisor No.: 24-05977 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Recommendations implementation of the state auditor's volunteer firefighter working group
SF 3694 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 3671 Pinto Revisor No.: 24-06593 Topic: Children and Families Short Description: Child in need of protection or services definition modification
SF 3747 Pappas; Murphy; Frentz; Housley; Oumou Verbeten HF 3861 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 24-06290 Topic: Arts Short Description: History Theatre of St. Paul Crawford Livingston Theatre renovation appropriation
SF 3779 Pappas; Westlin; Housley; Gruenhagen Revisor No.: 24-06488 Topic: Children and Families Short Description: Minor child visitation rights modification provision
SF 3782 Pappas; Pha HF 3582 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-06365 Topic: Minnesota Management and Budget Department Short Description: Local government replacement fund to maintain and replace capital projects establishment requirement to receive state funding provision
SF 3783 Pappas; Pha HF 3787 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-05126 Topic: Recreation, Tourism, and Amusement Short Description: Oromo Community Center appropriation
SF 3784 Pappas HF 3584 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-06364 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Political subdivisions debt capacity report in capital budget submissions requirement provision
SF 3786 Pappas; Pratt; Pha HF 4130 Lillie Revisor No.: 24-06777 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Metropolitan regional parks and trails bond issuance and appropriation
SF 3787 Pappas; McEwen HF 3882 Olson, L. Revisor No.: 24-05278 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Employees sick and safe time modifications
SF 3819 Pappas; Morrison; Utke HF 4001 Fischer Revisor No.: 24-06450 Topic: Hospitals and Health Care Facilities Short Description: Hospital construction moratorium exception provision
SF 3849 Pappas HF 4116 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-05281 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Certain data classification regarding transportation network companies
SF 3850 Pappas; McEwen HF 3957 Greenman Revisor No.: 24-05284 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Provisions modification relating to occupational health and safety
SF 3851 Pappas HF 3576 Berg Revisor No.: 24-05812 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Definition of employee modification
SF 3986 Pappas; Kunesh HF 4193 Kozlowski Revisor No.: 24-06408 Topic: Lands-State Short Description: Certain state-owned land in the Cloquet Forestry Center transferred to the University of Minnesota and defeasance of outstanding debt on certain state bond financed property appropriation
SF 3987 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 3991 Feist Revisor No.: 24-06823 Topic: Courts Short Description: Restorative practices restitution program establishment, court order fine in delinquency proceeding or juvenile major water or traffic offender proceeding ability elimination and conforming and technical changes
SF 4046 Pappas; Abeler HF 4585 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07018 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities grant appropriation
SF 4047 Pappas HF 4472 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-06891 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: St. Paul Lutheran Social Service capital improvements appropriation
SF 4048 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 4018 Finke Revisor No.: 24-06914 Topic: Task Forces Short Description: Task Force on the Viability of Aging State Correctional Facilities establishment
SF 4307 Pappas; Housley HF 3631 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-06635 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Miscellaneous capital projects appropriations modifications
SF 4308 Pappas HF 4221 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07171 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Jackson Street Roundhouse renovation appropriation
SF 4309 Pappas HF 4262 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 24-06456 Topic: Libraries Short Description: St. Paul Riverview Library renovation bond issue and appropriation
SF 4310 Pappas HF 4260 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 24-07128 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: St. Paul river balcony bond issue and appropriation
SF 4319 Pappas HF 4270 Becker-Finn Revisor No.: 24-06939 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program board of directors requirements modifications, interim executive direction appointment authorization, an technical changes provisions
SF 4362 Pappas HF 4336 Bliss Revisor No.: 24-05293 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Prior appropriation modification for veterans cemeteries
SF 4424 Pappas; Rarick; Frentz; Putnam; Hoffman HF 4539 Frederick Revisor No.: 24-07239 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Department of Human Services new positions added to the list of positions covered correctional service and permitting the purchase of past service credit
SF 4447 Pappas; Latz HF 4514 Youakim Revisor No.: 24-07099 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Medical assistance integrated health services establishment and appropriation; evaluation demonstration project authorization
SF 4455 Pappas; Seeberger HF 4461 Hollins Revisor No.: 24-06986 Topic: Mines and Mining Short Description: Copper metal sale license requirement
SF 4543 Pappas HF 4584 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07316 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Jimmy Lee Recreation Center bond issue and appropriation
SF 4544 Pappas HF 4457 Feist Revisor No.: 24-07338 Topic: Legal Proceedings Short Description: Clients of civil legal services and volunteer attorneys authorization to proceed without payment of court fees
SF 4731 Pappas HF 5055 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07317 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Center for Racial Healing in St. Paul bond issue and appropriation
SF 4741 Pappas; Hawj; Kunesh HF 4691 Koegel Revisor No.: 24-07539 Topic: Railroads, Rail Lines, and LRT Short Description: Ramsey County and Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority indemnification for excess liability resulting from rail-related incidents occurring at the Union Depot in the city of St. Paul
SF 4758 Pappas; Hawj; Pha HF 5140 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07350 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Asian American Business Resiliency Network appropriation
SF 4765 Pappas HF 4248 Moller Revisor No.: 24-06885 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Minnesota Secure Choice retirement program home and community-based services employees participation authorization
SF 4792 Pappas HF 4736 Clardy Revisor No.: 24-06478 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Thompson County Park in Dakota County bond issue and appropriation
SF 4845 Pappas; Nelson HF 4763 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-05356 Topic: Government-State Short Description: State Government required report related to bonding date modification
SF 4859 Pappas; Seeberger; Fateh HF 4790 Cha Revisor No.: 24-06481 Topic: Boards Short Description: State Board of Investment; investment standards modifications to require sustainable investing
SF 4968 Pappas; Rasmusson HF 4933 Nadeau Revisor No.: 24-07234 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Suspension of earnings limitation extension for retired teachers who return to teaching extension
SF 5161 Pappas HF 5384 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-07850 Topic: Buildings and Building Codes Short Description: Notice of state contribution provision for local projects
SF 5197 Pappas HF 5311 Feist Revisor No.: 24-07879 Topic: Retirement Short Description: Foreign citizens employed by public employers on a H-1B, H-1B1, or E3 visa authorization to purchase service credit for a prior period of employment as an excluded employee
SF 5198 Pappas HF 5158 Becker-Finn Revisor No.: 24-07893 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: New facility to be known as Oyate Ota Center appropriation for site selection planning and acquisition
SF 5199 Pappas HF 5065 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-07844 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Milestone Community Development and Minnesota STEM Project grants appropriation
SF 5200 Pappas HF 5163 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-07979 Topic: Libraries Short Description: Library construction grants appropriation
SF 5201 Pappas HF 5162 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-07980 Topic: Bonds Short Description: Omnibus Capital Investment appropriations
SF 5251 Pappas HF 5220 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-05981 Topic: Bonds Short Description: Omnibus Capital Investment, bonds issued
SF 5262 Pappas HF 5195 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-08034 Topic: Administration Department Short Description: Capital improvements bond issue and appropriation consistent with the Capitol Mall Design Framework update and for related fundraising efforts
SF 5323 Pappas HF 5287 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-08122 Topic: Economic Development Short Description: Capital project funding expectations clarification
SF 5331 Pappas HF 5300 Agbaje Revisor No.: 24-07896 Topic: Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes Short Description: Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board certified worker organization grants appropriation
SF 5441 Pappas HF 5312 Reyer Revisor No.: 24-08131 Topic: Buildings and Building Codes Short Description: Sustainable building guidelines purposes, processes and related agency responsibilities modifications; sustainable building guideline compliance addition to predesign requirements; appropriating money
SF 5462 Pappas HF 5310 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-08147 Topic: Pollution and Pollution Control Agency Short Description: PFAS manufacturers fee working group unspent funds appropriation; PFAS removal strategies report requirement
SF 5463 Pappas HF 5309 Lee, F. Revisor No.: 24-08146 Topic: Pollution and Pollution Control Agency Short Description: PFAS manufacturers fee working group unspent funds appropriation; PFAS removal strategies report requirement
SF 5471 Pappas HF 5361 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-08051 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Community Stabilization Project grant appropriation
SF 5472 Pappas HF 5360 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-08150 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: St. Paul community multicultural center appropriation
SF 5473 Pappas HF 5379 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-08203 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Rondo Commemorative Plaza improvements appropriation
SF 5527 Pappas; Hawj; Housley; Hoffman; Oumou Verbeten HF 5455 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 24-08248 Topic: Athletics Short Description: City of Saint Paul CHS Field improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 5528 Pappas; Oumou Verbeten HF 5464 Hussein Revisor No.: 24-08285 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: City of Saint Paul Rondo Restorative Development Authority establishment for the operations of a new land bridge in the Rondo neighborhood
SR 30 Pappas; Fateh; Mohamed; Dziedzic Revisor No.: 23-04776 Topic: Short Description: A Senate resolution congratulating Abdirahman Kahin of Afro Deli and Grill on being named Minnesota Small Business Person of the Year