Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dornink Chief and Co-Author List Monday, March 17, 2025 SF 40 Howe; Nelson; Dornink HF 303 Perryman Revisor No.: 25-00593 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Certain third-party testing authorization by transit operators
SF 310 Dornink; Kupec; Hauschild; Draheim; Putnam HF 1057 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01257 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Employee definition modified for the purposes of earned sick and safe time
SF 316 Coleman; Housley; Dornink; Kreun; Hauschild HF 18 Engen Revisor No.: 25-00812 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Baby products sales and use tax exemption expansion
SF 357 Dornink HF 1170 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-00908 Topic: Hospitals and Health Care Facilities Short Description: Minnesota BioImaging Center of the Hormel Institute bond issue and appropriation
SF 358 Dornink Revisor No.: 25-00907 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: Riverland Community College improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 359 Dornink HF 449 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-00905 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Manchester clean water infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 447 Rest; Carlson; Koran; Klein; Dornink HF 1392 Lee, K. Revisor No.: 25-00562 Topic: Consumer Protection Short Description: Consumer protection restitution account establishment, public compensation payments exclusion from certain calculations of income, and appropriation
SF 449 Cwodzinski; Lang; Mitchell; Dornink HF 1377 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-00817 Topic: Telecommunications and Information Technology Short Description: Public television grants appropriation
SF 475 Mathews; Dornink; Hoffman; Marty; Kupec HF 23 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-01436 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Whistleblower protections for public employees modifications
SF 497 Dornink HF 450 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-01561 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: City of Albert Lea wastewater treatment facility improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 498 Dornink Revisor No.: 25-00906 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: Certain conservation clubs sales and use tax exemption provision
SF 501 Dornink; Kupec; Rest; Weber; Draheim HF 968 Davids Revisor No.: 25-00941 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Minnesota education credit eligible expenses expansion provision
SF 537 Wesenberg; Lieske; Dornink; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 25-01256 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Notification to student employees regarding membership in a collective bargaining unit requirement
SF 560 Lucero; Draheim; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01241 Topic: Buildings and Building Codes Short Description: Building permit fees cost-per-square-foot valuation of residential buildings requirement by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry establishment
SF 566 Bahr; Koran; Drazkowski; Mathews; Dornink HF 769 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01928 Topic: Government-Federal Short Description: A resolution memorializing Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress
SF 614 Dornink; Drazkowski; Gustafson; Hoffman; Abeler HF 176 Davids Revisor No.: 25-00912 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: All school supplies tax exemption provision
SF 629 Kupec; Abeler; Dornink; Gustafson; Putnam HF 1705 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01325 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Second Harvest Heartland farm to food shelf program appropriation
SF 674 Seeberger; Housley; Dornink; Lang HF 492 Hill Revisor No.: 25-02252 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Mental health services and outdoor activities for currently serving military personnel and veterans appropriation
SF 679 Seeberger; Dornink; Limmer; Lang HF 491 Hill Revisor No.: 25-02249 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Mental health services and outdoor activities for law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency services personnel
SF 685 Dornink; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lieske Revisor No.: 25-00909 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Vote threshold for certain bills heard in a standing committee of the legislature establishment
SF 690 Rasmusson; Gruenhagen; Dornink; Drazkowski; Koran HF 10 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-02099 Topic: Government-State Short Description: State-funded services for undocumented noncitizens prohibition provision and MinnesotaCare and the North Star Promise scholarship program ineligibility for undocumented noncitizens provision
SF 691 Rasmusson; Dornink HF 259 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-02436 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Employment of unauthorized individuals prohibition provision
SF 704 Lucero; Mathews; Draheim; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01192 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act
SF 715 Lucero; Utke; Draheim; Bahr; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01207 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Third party testing program for driver's license knowledge, road and skills tests authorization
SF 716 Lucero; Gruenhagen; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01221 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Drag performances as adult entertainment classification
SF 776 Putnam; Klein; Hauschild; Kupec; Dornink HF 1700 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-02478 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Shareholder limit increase for entity-owned agricultural property
SF 778 Dornink HF 965 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-02418 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Clarks Grove water and sewer infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 881 Kupec; Westrom; Gustafson; Dornink; Putnam HF 882 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01560 Topic: Energy Short Description: Biofuel financial assistance appropriation
SF 882 Gustafson; Dornink; Kupec; Seeberger; Weber HF 985 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01603 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Soil health financial assistance program appropriation
SF 889 Howe; Dornink HF 611 Swedzinski Revisor No.: 25-02517 Topic: Hunting and Game Short Description: Age-related exemptions for certain game and fish licenses modification
SF 908 Kupec; Westrom; Dornink; Hauschild; Putnam HF 47 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-01794 Topic: Telecommunications and Information Technology Short Description: Provisions governing the certification of underground telecommunications installers modification
SF 909 Boldon; Drazkowski; Nelson; Dornink; Miller HF 452 Jacob Revisor No.: 25-02582 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Clean water fund appropriation for a southeast regional groundwater protection and soil health initiative
SF 934 Kupec; Dahms; Putnam; Westrom; Dornink HF 857 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-02058 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Agricultural Utilization Research Institute appropriation
SF 977 Dornink; Howe; Kupec; Gustafson; Putnam Revisor No.: 25-00598 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Fee exemption provision for motor vehicles bearing Purple Heart medal special plates
SF 1004 Dornink; Drazkowski; Rarick; Lieske; Koran HF 597 Quam Revisor No.: 25-00913 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional Amendment proposal to prohibit state spending in excess of inflation and population growth
SF 1005 Dornink HF 1456 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-00910 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Austin local sales and use tax authorization
SF 1097 Bahr; Eichorn; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01261 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional amendment prohibiting bills from being amended in a way that changes the original purpose of the bill
SF 1121 Frentz; Draheim; Dahms; Putnam; Dornink HF 1132 Harder Revisor No.: 25-02218 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Agriculture-related business assistance appropriation
SF 1135 Dornink HF 629 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-02993 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Blooming Prairie contamination remediation improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1158 Howe; Eichorn; Lang; Jasinski; Dornink HF 1255 Novotny Revisor No.: 25-02586 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Certain employees reception of their surplus badges at no cost authorization provision
SF 1159 Howe; Duckworth; Lang; Jasinski; Dornink HF 1015 Perryman Revisor No.: 25-02520 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Veterans and surviving spouses taxable Social Security benefits full subtraction provision
SF 1160 Howe; Lang; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-02656 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Blackout special license plates contribution amount increase provision and deposit of revenue fund modification provision
SF 1172 Kupec; Dahms; Putnam; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-02410 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Agricultural growth, research, and innovation program account creation in the agricultural fund authorization; appropriating money
SF 1209 Putnam; Westrom; Kupec; Gustafson; Dornink HF 770 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-02275 Topic: Regional and Rural Development Short Description: Rural Finance Authority bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1241 Lucero; Coleman; Drazkowski; Utke; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-01194 Topic: Elections Short Description: Requirement that the term incumbent be printed next to the judicial incumbent candidate's name on the ballot repeal
SF 1263 Dornink; Dahms; Weber; Boldon; Draheim HF 1178 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-03223 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: University of Minnesota bond issue and appropriation for capital improvements in Mower County for the FAARM program
SF 1419 Putnam; Weber; Hauschild; Dornink; Nelson HF 1626 Vang Revisor No.: 25-02283 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Agricultural assets owners available credit cap elimination provision
SF 1507 Dornink; Westrom; Kupec; Dahms; Weber HF 43 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-02807 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Biofuel infrastructure grants appropriation
SF 1508 McEwen; Dornink; Hauschild; Marty; Kupec HF 1216 Berg Revisor No.: 25-03119 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Apprenticeship readiness programming appropriation
SF 1552 Kupec; Putnam; Dornink; Westrom HF 1063 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-03088 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Financial reporting requirements for grain buyers modification
SF 1831 Kupec; Dahms; Putnam; Dornink; Gustafson HF 39 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-02745 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: County agricultural inspector grants appropriation
SF 1849 Dornink; Draheim; Seeberger; Rarick HF 1523 Harder Revisor No.: 25-02982 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Certain agricultural workers exemption from the Minnesota Paid Leave Law
SF 1974 Bahr; Draheim; Dornink Revisor No.: 25-03883 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Education Savings Accounts for Minnesota Students Act (ESA-4-MSA) establishment provision
SF 1975 Bahr; Dornink; Howe; Dahms Revisor No.: 25-04172 Topic: Energy Short Description: Various net metering governing provisions modifications
SF 2030 Kupec; Rarick; Wesenberg; Dornink; Lieske HF 970 Pursell Revisor No.: 25-02010 Topic: Commerce and Commerce Department Short Description: Farm equipment original equipment manufacturer facilitation of repairs requirement provision
SF 2111 Seeberger; Dornink HF 1375 Duran Revisor No.: 25-03991 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Peace officer grievance arbitration selection procedure elimination
SF 2123 Duckworth; Farnsworth; Dornink; Rarick; Seeberger HF 1538 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-03933 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Teacher apprenticeships appropriation
SF 2147 Kupec; Kunesh; Putnam; Dornink HF 1796 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-03901 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Livestock investment grant program grant awards modification
SF 2300 Seeberger; Rasmusson; Rest; Frentz; Dornink HF 2025 Baker Revisor No.: 25-04049 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Earned sick and safe time provisions modifications
SF 2315 Dornink; Dahms; Anderson HF 1428 Harder Revisor No.: 25-03637 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Excess money in the grain indemnity account requirement to be transferred to the agricultural emergency account
SF 2378 Dornink HF 2153 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-04570 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Albert Lea city projects construction materials refundable sales and use tax exemption establishment
SF 2508 Dibble; Pratt; Marty; Dornink; Putnam HF 2339 West Revisor No.: 25-04307 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Income threshold increase for the child tax credit
SF 2605 Gruenhagen; Dornink; Draheim; Lieske HF 1325 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-01023 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Earned sick and safe time modification