Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Johnson Stewart Chief and Co-Author List Sunday, March 9, 2025 SF 30 Nelson; Putnam; Weber; Johnson Stewart HF 1718 Davids Revisor No.: 25-01054 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Obsolete provisions removal and portability provision of the estate tax exclusion
SF 42 Kunesh; Boldon; Westlin; Cwodzinski; Johnson Stewart HF 1412 Keeler Revisor No.: 25-01308 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Suicide prevention curriculum appropriation
SF 215 Johnson Stewart; Cwodzinski HF 721 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-00844 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: The Marsh in Minnetonka bond issue and appropriation
SF 216 Cwodzinski; Johnson Stewart HF 720 Falconer Revisor No.: 25-00845 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Opus Public Space project in Minnetonka bond issue and appropriation
SF 249 Johnson Stewart; Rest; Abeler; Kunesh HF 1802 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-00977 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Credit modification for attaining a master's degree in licensure field to include a master's degree in special education
SF 289 Abeler; Jasinski; Dibble; Housley; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01148 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Local roads and bridges bond issuance and appropriation
SF 387 Gustafson; Housley; Johnson Stewart; Fateh Revisor No.: 25-00853 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Public safety aid establishment for local governments and tribal governments
SF 394 Jasinski; Dibble; Howe; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01932 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: State match funding appropriation related to the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
SF 479 Jasinski; Dibble; Howe; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01931 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Distribution modification of proceeds from the sales tax on vehicle repair and replacement parts
SF 518 McEwen; Hauschild; Johnson Stewart HF 427 Kozlowski Revisor No.: 25-00539 Topic: Airports and Aircraft Short Description: Duluth International Airport capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 548 Fateh; Boldon; Maye Quade; Abeler; Johnson Stewart HF 664 Hicks Revisor No.: 25-02040 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Medical assistance income limit for people with disabilities and people ag 65 and over increase provision
SF 569 Marty; McEwen; Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Kupec Revisor No.: 25-01596 Topic: Resolutions Short Description: A resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights are protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment; asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such a clarification
SF 662 Gustafson; Oumou Verbeten; Clark; Westlin; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01564 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Civil cause of action establishment for the nonconsensual removal of a condom
SF 737 Housley; Nelson; Johnson Stewart; Jasinski HF 1950 Bakeberg Revisor No.: 25-02108 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Mandatory fines enactment for violations of the school bus stop arm law
SF 862 Johnson Stewart; Hauschild; Frentz; Jasinski HF 724 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-01553 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Water infrastructure funding program modifications provisions, point source implementation grant program modifications provisions, emerging contaminants grant program establishment and bond issuance and appropriation
SF 875 Cwodzinski; Johnson Stewart; Port; Kunesh; Rest HF 309 Falconer Revisor No.: 25-02129 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness mining restrictions modifications
SF 902 Jasinski; Howe; Johnson Stewart; Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01604 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Revenues from sales tax on various products and services allocation to the highway user tax distribution fund
SF 925 Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Hauschild; Westrom HF 1612 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-02632 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Aggregate resource inventory appropriation
SF 926 Johnson Stewart; Kunesh; Maye Quade; Port; Dibble HF 1319 Pursell Revisor No.: 25-02480 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Sexual and reproductive health services grants appropriation
SF 932 Johnson Stewart; Pappas; Mohamed; Fateh; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-02772 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Minnesota Health Plan establishment
SF 955 Dibble; Klein; Pratt; Johnson Stewart; Coleman Revisor No.: 25-02763 Topic: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Short Description: Washington Avenue Pedestrian Bridge suicide prevention barriers bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1000 Johnson Stewart; Mitchell HF 1613 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-02641 Topic: Task Forces Short Description: Recommendation of Aggregate Resources Task Force implementation
SF 1001 Johnson Stewart; Dibble HF 1087 Greene Revisor No.: 25-01935 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: I-494 Corridor Commission appropriation
SF 1039 Hauschild; Eichorn; Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Hoffman HF 489 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-02673 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Parks and trails fund appropriation
SF 1040 Hauschild; Eichorn; Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Hoffman HF 723 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-02674 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission appropriation
SF 1170 Kreun; Pratt; Dibble; Pappas; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-03158 Topic: Wetlands Short Description: Local road wetland replacement program bond issue and appropriation
SF 1171 Kupec; McEwen; Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Latz HF 1708 Frederick Revisor No.: 25-02449 Topic: Railroads, Rail Lines, and LRT Short Description: State rail safety inspectors number increase
SF 1180 Jasinski; Howe; Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Kreun Revisor No.: 25-02667 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Formulas for distribution of traffic fine proceeds modification
SF 1181 Jasinski; Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Howe; Kreun Revisor No.: 25-03009 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Availability modification of road skills examinations on the division of Driver and Vehicle Services website
SF 1233 Johnson Stewart; Lang; Carlson; Jasinski; Bahr HF 1478 Freiberg Revisor No.: 25-00636 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Priority criteria for public land survey system monument grant program modification and appropriation
SF 1234 Johnson Stewart HF 1064 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-01535 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Wayzata downtown lakeshore improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1235 Johnson Stewart HF 408 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02831 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Minnetrista drinking water infrastructure improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1236 Johnson Stewart HF 404 Myers Revisor No.: 25-00038 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Excelsior street reconstruction public infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 1247 Kunesh; Johnson Stewart; Hoffman; McEwen Revisor No.: 25-02865 Topic: Environment Short Description: Pesticide provisions modification to protect wild rice waters
SF 1281 Kreun; Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Dibble; Jasinski HF 1364 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-03142 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Local road wetland replacement program bond issue and appropriation
SF 1283 Nelson; Coleman; Limmer; Johnson Stewart; Abeler Revisor No.: 25-02666 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Driver's license expiration dates extension to every eight years
SF 1284 Lang; Gustafson; Jasinski; Dibble; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-02245 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Criminal penalties for driving without a valid driver's license increase provision
SF 1302 Mann; Boldon; Johnson Stewart; Dibble HF 703 Acomb Revisor No.: 25-00739 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Coverage of cancer imaging and clinical genetic testing requirement
SF 1327 Johnson Stewart HF 406 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02930 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Mound water treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 1328 Johnson Stewart HF 407 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02838 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Westonka Community Food Shelf appropriation
SF 1360 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski HF 739 Olson Revisor No.: 25-00433 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Implements of husbandry speed limit increase to 35 miles per hour provision
SF 1361 Johnson Stewart; Jasinski; Dibble; Howe HF 1520 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-00434 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Various driver's licenses provisions modifications
SF 1362 Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Mitchell HF 1023 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-03639 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts state funding match appropriation
SF 1382 McEwen; Cwodzinski; Johnson Stewart; Kunesh; Boldon HF 954 Hanson, J. Revisor No.: 25-01914 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Certain determinations before conducting environmental review and issuing permits relating to proposed non ferrous sulfide ore projects requirement
SF 1383 Johnson Stewart; McEwen; Cwodzinski; Kunesh; Boldon HF 955 Hanson, J. Revisor No.: 25-01544 Topic: Native Americans Short Description: Financial assurance requirements for nonferrous permit to mine modification
SF 1395 Howe; Johnson Stewart; Nelson HF 1290 Perryman Revisor No.: 25-03102 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Roadside signage authorization for external defibrillators for qualifying locations
SF 1487 Johnson Stewart; Howe; Dibble; Jasinski; Carlson HF 185 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-01907 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Resilient pavement program establishment for certain trunk highway project modifications to pavement design life
SF 1500 Kreun; Nelson; Coleman; Johnson Stewart HF 1174 Myers Revisor No.: 25-02403 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Various provisions related to driver and vehicle services modification
SF 1535 Hawj; Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Lang HF 983 Olson Revisor No.: 25-03076 Topic: Wetlands Short Description: Local road wetland replacement program bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1537 Johnson Stewart; Hawj; Hauschild HF 1019 Skraba Revisor No.: 25-02834 Topic: Arts Short Description: Minnesota Public Radio appropriation
SF 1542 Pha; Johnson Stewart; Westlin HF 1080 Carroll Revisor No.: 25-03606 Topic: Parks and Trails Short Description: Hennepin County regional trail system improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1596 McEwen; Fateh; Mann; Johnson Stewart; Boldon Revisor No.: 25-01062 Topic: Firearms and Weapons Short Description: Sale or transfer of a semiautomatic military-style assault weapon prohibition
SF 1714 Johnson Stewart; Rarick; Lang; McEwen HF 1234 Scott Revisor No.: 25-02075 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Public contracts payment transparency requirement provision
SF 1751 Johnson Stewart; Eichorn; Hauschild; Hawj HF 1071 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-03762 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Recommendations of Aggregate Resources Task Force implementation
SF 1752 Port; Maye Quade; Mann; Johnson Stewart; Mitchell HF 1485 Hollins Revisor No.: 25-02425 Topic: Insurance-Health Short Description: Coverage of over-the-counter contraceptive, drugs, devices, and products requirement by insurers and medical assistance
SF 1760 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-02990 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Use limitation of the westbound E-ZPass lane on Interstate Highway 394
SF 1802 Johnson Stewart; Kunesh; McEwen HF 1387 Curran Revisor No.: 25-03958 Topic: Fish and Fishing Short Description: Lead tackle sale, manufacture, and use prohibition provision
SF 1821 Housley; Johnson Stewart; Maye Quade; Draheim; Pha HF 1293 Johnson, W. Revisor No.: 25-03759 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: School bus stop-signal arm camera systems appropriation
SF 1833 Dibble; Eichorn; Hauschild; Johnson Stewart; Hawj HF 1332 Igo Revisor No.: 25-01473 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Forests and forestry capital projects bond issue and appropriation
SF 1836 Johnson Stewart; Abeler; Carlson; Mitchell HF 1509 Jones Revisor No.: 25-02242 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Authority limitation to issue certain citations to pedestrians
SF 1903 Johnson Stewart; Jasinski; Dibble Revisor No.: 25-03929 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Work zone safety and work zone driving rules requirement as driver education and driver examination subjects
SF 1904 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Carlson; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-04141 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Electric vehicles authorization to use high-occupancy and dynamic shoulder lanes without a fee
SF 2005 Johnson Stewart; Howe; Dibble; Jasinski HF 422 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-02243 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Safe routes to school and active transportation programs appropriation
SF 2032 Dibble; Johnson Stewart HF 1799 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-03730 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation Short Description: Wheelage tax up to $35 levied by counties authorization provision
SF 2033 Dibble; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-03729 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Retail delivery fee $100 threshold removal provision
SF 2034 Dibble; Johnson Stewart HF 1317 Hansen, R. Revisor No.: 25-01298 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan Council removal of members for cause authorization provision, Governor appointment of a vice-chair provision, council members salary and benefits specification provision, and annual reviews of the regional administrator by the council
SF 2040 Putnam; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04127 Topic: Pollution and Pollution Control Agency Short Description: Small modular reactors in Minnesota viability report appropriation
SF 2075 Mann; Johnson Stewart; Boldon HF 690 Howard Revisor No.: 25-00546 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Health plans coverage of the management and treatment of obesity requirement
SF 2081 Dibble; Johnson Stewart HF 1798 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-03764 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Distribution proceeds from the sales tax on vehicle repair and replacement parts modification
SF 2082 Dibble; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-01563 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Transportation budget establishment
SF 2091 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski Revisor No.: 25-04267 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Corridors of commerce program appropriation
SF 2092 Johnson Stewart; Dibble Revisor No.: 25-04198 Topic: Motor Vehicles Short Description: Kilowatt per hour tax enactment for electric vehicle charging
SF 2093 Johnson Stewart; Dibble HF 1685 Kraft Revisor No.: 25-04052 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Commissioner of Minnesota IT services direction to integrate the transit assistance program into the Minnesota benefits web portal
SF 2094 Johnson Stewart; Fateh HF 1804 Koegel Revisor No.: 25-04005 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Various requirements governing active transportation modification
SF 2096 Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Jasinski Revisor No.: 25-03763 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Corridors of commerce program bond issue and appropriation
SF 2106 McEwen; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04114 Topic: Pollution and Pollution Control Agency Short Description: Wastewater treatment facility heat capture pilot program appropriation
SF 2107 Kunesh; Pha; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-03164 Topic: Environment Short Description: Metropolitan Council appropriation for grants to implementing agencies to manage aquatic invasive species
SF 2130 Pappas; Pratt; Dibble; Housley; Johnson Stewart HF 1815 Lillie Revisor No.: 25-04135 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan regional parks and trails bond issuance and appropriation
SF 2131 Johnson Stewart; Pappas; Port; Oumou Verbeten Revisor No.: 25-03873 Topic: Elections Short Description: Ranked choice voting jurisdictional authorization for local offices provision, local jurisdictions ranked choice voting adoption, implementation, and usage procedures establishment, and appropriation
SF 2136 Johnson Stewart; Dibble; Jasinski HF 1781 Tabke Revisor No.: 25-00247 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Various transportation policy provisions modifications
SF 2148 Dibble; Klein; Johnson Stewart; Jasinski Revisor No.: 25-04273 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Regional transportation sales and use tax allocation modification; Washington Avenue Pedestrian Bridge suicide prevention barriers funding allocation
SF 2153 Pappas; Hoffman; Johnson Stewart; Latz Revisor No.: 25-02579 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Job misclassification prohibition provision
SF 2161 Howe; Dibble; Johnson Stewart; Lang; Jasinski Revisor No.: 25-04277 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Requirements modification of photographs on drivers' licenses and identification cards for certain individuals with medical devices
SF 2162 Dibble; Wiklund; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04409 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: State-aid engineering and design standards variances modification
SF 2185 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04375 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Local roads and bridges bond issue and appropriation
SF 2191 Boldon; Port; Pha; Maye Quade; Johnson Stewart HF 1581 Hicks Revisor No.: 25-03147 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Diaper distribution grant program appropriation
SF 2196 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04118 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipalities authorization to charge a street impact fee
SF 2197 Johnson Stewart HF 1970 Virnig Revisor No.: 25-04265 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Financial assistance pilot program establishment to attend driver's education courses
SF 2198 Johnson Stewart HF 268 Koznick Revisor No.: 25-02324 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Certain limitations establishment on use of interest or investment income from transportation revenue
SF 2208 Johnson Stewart; Pha; Maye Quade HF 1558 Perez-Vega Revisor No.: 25-03083 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Girl Scouts River Valleys grant appropriation
SF 2227 Hawj; Draheim; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04098 Topic: Athletics Short Description: 2026 Special Olympics USA Games appropriation
SF 2240 Maye Quade; Johnson Stewart; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-04411 Topic: Commerce and Commerce Department Short Description: Nudification technology access prohibition
SF 2332 Johnson Stewart; Nelson; Carlson; McEwen HF 1335 Tabke Revisor No.: 25-00882 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Electronic drivers' licenses authorization
SF 2340 Putnam; Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-03856 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Referendum allowances reduction provision, local optional revenue authority increase provision, and appropriation
SF 2365 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04431 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Lake Minnetonka shoreline restoration grant appropriation
SF 2366 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04110 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipal street improvement district establishment authorization provision
SF 2367 Johnson Stewart Revisor No.: 25-04379 Topic: Arts Short Description: Wayzata Section House renovation and conversion into a Lakeshore Learning Center appropriation
SF 2385 Johnson Stewart; Hawj Revisor No.: 25-04397 Topic: Arts Short Description: Hong De Wu Guan appropriation to create cultural arts projects and to preserve traditional performances
SF 2395 McEwen; Hauschild; Johnson Stewart; Kunesh HF 1843 Rehm Revisor No.: 25-02836 Topic: Water and Soil Conservation Short Description: Lawns to legumes program appropriation