Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Koran Chief and Co-Author List Sunday, March 23, 2025 SF 9 Rest; Westlin; Koran HF 1168 Bahner Revisor No.: 25-00716 Topic: Revenue Department Short Description: Commissioner of revenue requirement to establish an online system to claim the political contribution refund
SF 55 Gruenhagen; Koran Revisor No.: 25-01383 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Parent's Bill of Right Act
SF 89 Westrom; Drazkowski; Rarick; Koran HF 518 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01492 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: American Indian mascot prohibition repeal
SF 97 Westrom; Drazkowski; Rarick; Koran HF 519 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01493 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: American Indian mascot exemption requirements amendment
SF 174 Jasinski; Lang; Koran; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 25-00397 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Division of Driver and Vehicle Services in the Department of Public Safety senate advice and consent requirement
SF 250 Rarick; Koran; Lucero; Bahr; Rasmusson HF 1167 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-00391 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Northern Lights Express passenger rail project expenditures prohibition
SF 260 Utke; Hoffman; Abeler; Koran; Gruenhagen HF 487 Wiener Revisor No.: 25-01654 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Wellness in the Woods grant appropriation
SF 311 Koran; Gruenhagen HF 705 Davis Revisor No.: 25-01032 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Self-defense use of force provisions modifications
SF 312 Koran HF 878 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01309 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: North Branch Area Hockey Association appropriation
SF 313 Koran Revisor No.: 25-01036 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Denial of the right of a person to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is enrolled as a patient in the medical cannabis registry prohibition
SF 314 Koran HF 599 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01354 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Municipal ID acceptance for state and federal services prohibition
SF 315 Koran HF 1788 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01314 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Interchange at Interstate Highway 35 and 400th Street in North Branch appropriation
SF 317 Koran HF 607 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01315 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Interchange at Interstate Highway 35 and County State-Aid Highway 19 in Chisago County bond issue and appropriation
SF 318 Koran HF 609 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01310 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Wyoming public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 319 Koran HF 1446 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01037 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Crime of altering controlled substances with fentanyl penalty establishment
SF 320 Koran HF 321 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01363 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Undocumented noncitizens ineligibility for early release from incarceration establishment; undocumented noncitizens ineligibility for prosecutor-initiated sentence adjustments establishment
SF 321 Koran HF 322 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01364 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Crimes committed after unlawful reentry of for the benefit of a transnational crime organization penalty increase
SF 322 Koran HF 1848 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01361 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Data held by law enforcement agencies regarding the person or entity that posted bail is public authorization; notice to the agency custody of the arrested or detained person when bail or a bond is posted requirement
SF 324 Koran HF 1728 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01462 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission maintenance of a publicly searchable database requirement and appropriation
SF 325 Koran; Limmer HF 962 Novotny Revisor No.: 25-01362 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Peace officer exclusion from discipline for inclusion on the Brady-Giglio lists; Brady-Giglio lists examination task force establishment
SF 327 Koran; Lang; Bahr Revisor No.: 25-01045 Topic: Firearms and Weapons Short Description: Lawful carry and possession of firearms at the State Fairgrounds establishment
SF 355 Rarick; Utke; Koran; Draheim; Wiklund HF 1169 Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01695 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Commissioner instruction to make recommendations for paperwork reduction relating to child protection cases
SF 369 Koran; Housley HF 879 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01316 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Lakes Area Police Commission new regional training and public safety facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 370 Koran; Housley HF 608 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01312 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Shafer marked U.S. Highway 8 roundabout construction bond issue and appropriation
SF 371 Koran; Coleman HF 988 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01030 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Reporting provision of student fights
SF 372 Koran; Housley HF 605 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01311 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Earlier appropriation for flood hazard mitigation amendment
SF 379 Wiklund; Lucero; Koran; Maye Quade HF 140 Bahner Revisor No.: 25-01458 Topic: Government-State Short Description: State-funded county and city cybersecurity grant program establishment
SF 391 Lieske; Kupec; Koran; Hoffman; Mathews HF 1954 Roach Revisor No.: 25-01944 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Cottage foods exemption amendment
SF 399 Koran; Wesenberg; Lieske; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01035 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Permitted and trained school staff permission to carry firearms
SF 447 Rest; Carlson; Koran; Klein; Dornink HF 1392 Lee, K. Revisor No.: 25-00562 Topic: Consumer Protection Short Description: Consumer protection restitution account establishment, public compensation payments exclusion from certain calculations of income, and appropriation
SF 487 Lieske; Putnam; Kupec; Koran; Westrom HF 1955 Roach Revisor No.: 25-00759 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Microenterprise home kitchen operation license creation
SF 495 Bahr; Drazkowski; Koran; Putnam; Cwodzinski HF 593 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01726 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Constitutional Convention delegates selection process establish
SF 499 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr HF 414 Franson Revisor No.: 25-01040 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Data practices complaints filing fee reduction provision
SF 535 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lieske; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01041 Topic: Elections Short Description: Counties, municipalities and school districts acceptance of certain contributions for election expenses prohibition
SF 538 Anderson; Koran; Drazkowski; Gruenhagen; Bahr HF 754 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-01447 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Department of Administration director of grants management position establishment; grantmaking and grants management practices standards requirement
SF 566 Bahr; Koran; Drazkowski; Mathews; Dornink HF 769 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01928 Topic: Government-Federal Short Description: A resolution memorializing Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress
SF 600 Koran; Bahr; Limmer; Mathews; Lucero HF 993 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01260 Topic: Elections Short Description: Temporary polling locations publication requirement provision
SF 639 Koran; Bahr; Lucero; Mathews; Weber HF 638 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-01033 Topic: Elections Short Description: Political subdivisions establishment or enforcement of ranked-choice voting prohibition
SF 640 Koran HF 595 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01358 Topic: Elections Short Description: Election judge party affiliation as public data on individuals classification
SF 641 Koran HF 991 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01359 Topic: Elections Short Description: Local governments acceptance of certain contributions for election expenses prohibition
SF 642 Koran HF 600 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01039 Topic: Elections Short Description: Major political parties acceptance of contributions during the legislative session prohibition
SF 643 Koran; Lucero; Anderson; Drazkowski; Draheim HF 16 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-02451 Topic: Law Enforcement Short Description: Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition
SF 644 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Utke HF 596 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01826 Topic: Data Practices and Privacy Short Description: Election judge party affiliation classification as public data on individuals
SF 645 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lang Revisor No.: 25-01038 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Public union release time restriction
SF 646 Koran; Utke; Lieske; Abeler; Nelson Revisor No.: 25-01028 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Licensee fee reduction for manufacturers and wholesalers of medical gas
SF 647 Koran HF 1431 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01259 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Grounds for recall of state officials amendment
SF 648 Koran HF 606 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01043 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: FATHER Project grant appropriation
SF 649 Koran HF 986 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01031 Topic: Elections Short Description: Data classification in the statewide voter registration system
SF 650 Koran HF 987 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01047 Topic: Elections Short Description: Orderly annexation election proceedings and detachment provisions modification
SF 652 Koran; Anderson HF 2015 Harder Revisor No.: 25-01357 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Growth limitation of state employment
SF 653 Koran HF 2273 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01366 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Cambridge Trunk Highway 95 infrastructure improvements and railroad relocation projects bond issue and appropriation
SF 690 Rasmusson; Gruenhagen; Dornink; Drazkowski; Koran HF 10 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-02099 Topic: Government-State Short Description: State-funded services for undocumented noncitizens prohibition provision and MinnesotaCare and the North Star Promise scholarship program ineligibility for undocumented noncitizens provision
SF 744 Gruenhagen; Green; Koran; Drazkowski; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01663 Topic: Transgender Short Description: Therapies and procedures performed for the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors prohibition
SF 759 Koran; Limmer HF 1117 Duran Revisor No.: 25-00726 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Disarming of peace officers who are in good standing by local units of government prohibition provision
SF 839 Koran; Gruenhagen; Lieske; Utke HF 91 Backer Revisor No.: 25-01048 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Parent or legal guardian requirement to be present for vaccine administration to a minor
SF 840 Koran; Wesenberg; Rarick; Hoffman; Mathews HF 647 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-01044 Topic: Water, Water Resources, and Waterways Short Description: Mt. Simon-Hinckley aquifer certain water appropriations authorization
SF 995 Koran HF 990 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01360 Topic: Elections Short Description: Entities or organizations that receive state funding prohibition from making campaign expenditures or otherwise expending money for any political purpose
SF 996 Duckworth; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lieske; Koran HF 72 Engen Revisor No.: 25-02613 Topic: Elections Short Description: Entities or organizations that receive state funding prohibition from making campaign expenditures or otherwise expending money for any political purpose
SF 997 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Howe HF 880 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-01356 Topic: Energy Short Description: Community solar garden subscribers requirement to reside in the same county as the solar garden generating facility
SF 1004 Dornink; Drazkowski; Rarick; Lieske; Koran HF 597 Quam Revisor No.: 25-00913 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional Amendment proposal to prohibit state spending in excess of inflation and population growth
SF 1008 Housley; Koran HF 216 Hill Revisor No.: 25-00040 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: City of Stillwater Myrtle Street reconstruction bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1009 Housley; Koran HF 213 Hill Revisor No.: 25-00041 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: City of Stillwater Washington Avenue intersection improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1010 Housley; Koran HF 212 Hill Revisor No.: 25-00042 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: City of Stillwater water treatment plants bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1011 Housley; Koran HF 214 Hill Revisor No.: 25-00045 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: City of Oak Park Heights water infrastructure for treatment of PFAS improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1012 Housley; Koran Revisor No.: 25-02923 Topic: Waste and Waste Management Short Description: Veterans Campground improvements appropriation
SF 1020 Howe; Koran; Bahr; Drazkowski; Green HF 66 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02300 Topic: Elections Short Description: Special elections set filing period establishment provision
SF 1021 Howe; Koran; Bahr; Drazkowski; Green HF 598 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02516 Topic: Elections Short Description: Absentee ballot drop boxes authorization repealer
SF 1103 Kreun; Limmer; Bahr; Koran; Nelson Revisor No.: 25-02943 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act Repealer
SF 1131 Hoffman; Housley; Gustafson; Koran; Lang HF 362 Pinto Revisor No.: 25-01642 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Minnesota Massage Therapy and Asian Bodywork Therapy Act
SF 1166 Koran; Mathews; Limmer; Lucero; Nelson HF 1513 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01034 Topic: Elections Short Description: Photo ID requirement to register to vote and to vote requirement; voter identification card and provisional ballot establishment; appropriating money
SF 1196 Lieske; Rarick; Koran; Bahr; Lang Revisor No.: 25-02918 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Law clarification on use of force in self-defense
SF 1215 Duckworth; Coleman; Housley; Gustafson; Koran HF 325 Engen Revisor No.: 25-01008 Topic: Drugs and Medicine Short Description: Flavored nitrous oxide sale prohibition
SF 1216 Koran; Draheim; Utke HF 21 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-01620 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Peacetime emergency extension beyond 14 days approval by supermajority of each house of the legislator requirement provision
SF 1217 Koran; Weber; Mathews HF 992 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01269 Topic: Elections Short Description: Absentee and early voting polling places challengers authorization provision
SF 1218 Koran; Howe; Mathews HF 1411 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-01027 Topic: Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Short Description: Bail Abatement Nonprofit Exclusion (BANE) Act establishment provision
SF 1219 Koran; Drazkowski; Bahr; Howe; Coleman HF 1 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-02154 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Office of the Inspector General establishment; requiring a fraud hotline; Requiring agencies to halt payment when fraud is suspected; elimination of agency based offices of inspector general; appropriation
SF 1221 Eichorn; Wesenberg; Mathews; Koran HF 126 Davis Revisor No.: 25-02619 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: State Fairgrounds lawful carry and possession of firearms authorization provision
SF 1222 Eichorn; Wesenberg; Mathews; Koran; Draheim HF 1811 Davis Revisor No.: 25-02617 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Child face covering requirement opt out authorization by parents provision
SF 1226 Housley; Koran HF 232 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-02900 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: City of Forest Lake road improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1230 Draheim; Lucero; Drazkowski; Bahr; Koran Revisor No.: 25-02295 Topic: Government-Employees Short Description: Multimember agencies expiration after two years authorization
SF 1243 Koran HF 1475 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01046 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan Council abolishment
SF 1259 Draheim; Gustafson; Koran; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 25-02879 Topic: Elections Short Description: Statement of economic interest disclosure amendment
SF 1267 Utke; Lieske; Koran; Gruenhagen; Abeler HF 27 Backer Revisor No.: 25-01868 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: State agency authority repeal to submit a public option waiver application to the federal government
SF 1273 Lucero; Bahr; Limmer; Gruenhagen; Koran Revisor No.: 25-01957 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan region sales and use tax repealer
SF 1397 Koran; Drazkowski; Mathews HF 1432 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-01029 Topic: Government-Employees Short Description: Training requirements for state managerial employees development
SF 1499 Maye Quade; Hauschild; Koran; Pappas; Abeler Revisor No.: 25-03640 Topic: Drugs and Medicine Short Description: Limitations modification on optometrists prescribing and administering drugs
SF 1549 Koran; Mathews; Bahr; Wesenberg HF 2611 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-02560 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Cambridge regional shelter facility appropriation
SF 1563 Howe; Drazkowski; Koran HF 1890 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-03090 Topic: Elections Short Description: Vacancies in legislative offices establishment in certain circumstances
SF 1581 Pappas; Koran HF 361 Klevorn Revisor No.: 25-02461 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Capitol Mall Design Framework implementation appropriation availability extension provision
SF 1600 Kreun; Abeler; Mathews; Koran; Draheim HF 764 Hudson Revisor No.: 25-00704 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Criminal Arson in the first degree statute of limitations elimination provision
SF 1727 Pappas; Kunesh; Koran; Port; Hoffman HF 1770 Howard Revisor No.: 25-03834 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Cooperative manufactured housing infrastructure grant program bond issue and appropriation
SF 1772 Koran; Drazkowski HF 1240 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02279 Topic: Legislature Short Description: Policy related to the legislative auditor modification
SF 1773 Koran; Drazkowski HF 1239 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02280 Topic: Law Enforcement Short Description: Certain violation of law related to misuse of public funds requirement to be reported to law enforcement
SF 1774 Koran; Mathews; Bahr; Limmer; Lucero HF 1447 Quam Revisor No.: 25-03126 Topic: Elections Short Description: Disclosure requirement of contributors who contribute less than $200 who live outside the area represented by the candidate
SF 1775 Kunesh; Putnam; Port; Draheim; Koran HF 1417 Norris Revisor No.: 25-02966 Topic: Housing and Housing Finance Agency Short Description: Manufactured home park infrastructure grants and loans appropriation
SF 1776 Koran; Lang; Dahms HF 833 Dotseth Revisor No.: 25-02048 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation Short Description: Special license plate establishment for veterans who received the Army of Occupation Medal
SF 1785 Mann; Koran; Abeler; Draheim HF 1103 Hemmingsen-Jaeger Revisor No.: 25-02359 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Medication repository program procedures modifications provision and appropriation
SF 1794 Kupec; Koran; Abeler; Bahr HF 1794 Virnig Revisor No.: 25-01579 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Advanced practice registered nurse postgraduate collaborative practice requirements removal provision
SF 1869 Housley; Duckworth; Anderson; Koran; Hawj HF 1407 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-03658 Topic: Administration Department Short Description: City of Forest Lake veterans memorial appropriation
SF 1988 Koran; Limmer HF 428 Scott Revisor No.: 25-01411 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Correspondence in government record retention law correspondence definition; three-year retention period for correspondence establishment
SF 2069 Koran; Rasmusson Revisor No.: 25-04031 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: Metropolitan State University cyber range services funding authorization and appropriation
SF 2182 Bahr; Koran; Jasinski HF 749 Koznick Revisor No.: 25-00585 Topic: Railroads, Rail Lines, and LRT Short Description: Performance requirements and conditional termination of the Northstar Commuter Rail Line establishment
SF 2232 Koran; Carlson; Mathews; Westlin HF 2428 Virnig Revisor No.: 25-03996 Topic: Elections Short Description: Various election administration provisions modifications
SF 2334 Abeler; Kupec; Koran; Boldon; Maye Quade HF 1831 Zeleznikar Revisor No.: 25-01626 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Background check requirements for certain housing support providers modification
SF 2354 Jasinski; Koran HF 2222 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-04183 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County U.S. Highway 8 reconstruction project bond issuance and appropriation extension provision
SF 2355 Jasinski; Koran HF 2223 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-04274 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County U.S. Highway 8 reconstruction appropriation extension provision
SF 2399 Koran; Bahr; Drazkowski HF 915 Quam Revisor No.: 25-03099 Topic: Government-Employees Short Description: Small local government employers exemption from the Minnesota Paid Leave Law
SF 2400 Farnsworth; Utke; Wesenberg; Gruenhagen; Koran HF 2074 Warwas Revisor No.: 25-03712 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Teaching standards of effective practice reinstatement
SF 2488 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1618 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04144 Topic: Elections Short Description: Accessing voter reports in a timely manner improvement provision
SF 2489 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1617 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04145 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voting systems testing improvements provision
SF 2490 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1619 Altendorf Revisor No.: 25-04143 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter history access in a timely manner improvements provision
SF 2491 Koran; Bahr; Mathews; Lucero HF 1664 Quam Revisor No.: 25-02225 Topic: Elections Short Description: Ballot board activity livestreaming requirement provision, commissioner information technology providing livestreaming services and retention of data requirement provision, and appropriation
SF 2492 Koran; Mathews; Lucero HF 1235 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01845 Topic: Elections Short Description: Statewide voter registration system data classification provision
SF 2493 Koran; Bahr; Lucero HF 1253 Davis Revisor No.: 25-03864 Topic: Elections Short Description: Absentee ballots return on election day requirements provisions modifications and certain voters absentee voting period modifications provision
SF 2682 Utke; Koran HF 1975 Backer Revisor No.: 25-04102 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Hospital payment rates modification
SF 2683 Utke; Farnsworth; Koran HF 2192 Schultz Revisor No.: 25-03081 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: North Star Promise scholarship program elimination
SF 2692 Koran; Weber Revisor No.: 25-04448 Topic: Gambling and Lottery Short Description: Charitable gambling rates modification
SF 2693 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1872 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04063 Topic: Elections Short Description: Requirements modification for identifying and verifying a candidate's residence on an affidavit of candidacy
SF 2694 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1663 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04065 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Certain officials in the cities of the first, second, or third class requirement to file a statement of economic interest with the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
SF 2695 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1496 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01975 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter verification requirement before mail delivery of an absentee ballot
SF 2696 Koran; Lucero HF 1495 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04064 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain candidates, candidate representatives, and political parties permission to observe the work of absentee ballot boards
SF 2697 Koran; Lucero HF 1800 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04257 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain voting provisions modification
SF 2698 Koran; Lucero; Limmer HF 1494 Quam Revisor No.: 25-01852 Topic: Elections Short Description: Voter who register on election day requirement to cast provisional ballots
SF 2699 Koran; Utke; Abeler HF 1850 Gordon Revisor No.: 25-03183 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Fluoridation of public water supplies provisions modification
SF 2700 Koran Revisor No.: 25-04201 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County corridor improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 2701 Koran Revisor No.: 25-04200 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Chisago County intersection improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 2702 Koran HF 2343 Quam Revisor No.: 25-04534 Topic: Elections Short Description: Date of the state primary modification from August to May
SF 2819 Rarick; Koran; Kupec; Fateh; Clark Revisor No.: 25-04769 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Green burials requirements establishment provision and permanent care and improvement funds dedicated proceeds amount modification provision
SF 2905 Johnson Stewart; Koran; Carlson Revisor No.: 25-04672 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Qualification-based selection requirement for certain projects at the Department of Transportation establishment; appropriating money
SF 2907 Koran Revisor No.: 25-00733 Topic: Corrections and Corrections Department Short Description: Sunset of correctional fees repeal
SF 2911 Limmer; Koran HF 2532 Novotny Revisor No.: 25-04545 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Community crime and violence prevention account elimination
SF 2918 Koran; Mathews; Lucero; Bahr HF 931 Nash Revisor No.: 25-00991 Topic: Elections Short Description: Certain mailings containing an absentee ballot application or sample ballot send on the behalf of a committee or other private organization requirements provision