Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anderson Chief and Co-Author List Thursday, March 13, 2025 SF 233 Anderson; Mathews HF 523 Mekeland Revisor No.: 25-01562 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Clearwater-Clear Lake Food Shelf grant appropriation
SF 253 Anderson; Hoffman; Lucero; Gruenhagen Revisor No.: 25-01578 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Wright Technical Center capital improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 255 Abeler; Fateh; Lang; Anderson; Howe Revisor No.: 25-01321 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization
SF 445 Anderson; Gruenhagen HF 1476 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-01884 Topic: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Short Description: Salisbury Bridge rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation
SF 514 Hoffman; Anderson; Rarick; Gruenhagen; Lucero HF 1024 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-01880 Topic: Environment Short Description: Animal feedlots definition provision
SF 531 Anderson; Howe; Gruenhagen HF 674 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-02003 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: South Haven water and sewer infrastructure and street reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
SF 532 Anderson; Duckworth; Howe; Gruenhagen; Bahr Revisor No.: 25-02077 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Property market value exclusion to veterans with a disability modification
SF 538 Anderson; Koran; Drazkowski; Gruenhagen; Bahr HF 754 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-01447 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Department of Administration director of grants management position establishment; grantmaking and grants management practices standards requirement
SF 539 Anderson; Gruenhagen HF 673 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-02175 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Howard Lake veterans memorial bond issue and appropriation
SF 553 Wesenberg; Westrom; Anderson; Eichorn Revisor No.: 25-02178 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Farmed Cervidae fencing requirements provisions modifications
SF 615 Draheim; Lang; Howe; Anderson; Port Revisor No.: 25-01781 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Veterans with a disability property market value property tax exclusion modification
SF 616 Drazkowski; Howe; Putnam; Anderson; Bahr Revisor No.: 25-01674 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Service members bonus appropriation
SF 623 Howe; Pratt; Nelson; Draheim; Anderson HF 753 Robbins Revisor No.: 25-00841 Topic: Gambling and Lottery Short Description: Licensed veterans organizations to use gross profits from lawful gambling for repair, maintenance, or improvement of real property authorization
SF 631 Anderson; Lieske; Howe; Carlson HF 1893 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-01776 Topic: Crimes and Criminals Short Description: Period of time that a criminal investigation is active regarding investigative data modification
SF 643 Koran; Lucero; Anderson; Drazkowski; Draheim HF 16 Rymer Revisor No.: 25-02451 Topic: Law Enforcement Short Description: Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition
SF 652 Koran; Anderson HF 2015 Harder Revisor No.: 25-01357 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Growth limitation of state employment
SF 664 Anderson; Housley; Latz; Howe HF 1401 Witte Revisor No.: 25-00755 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Definition of endangered expansion for purposes of the missing and endangered persons program
SF 747 Wesenberg; Eichorn; Drazkowski; Green; Anderson Revisor No.: 25-02268 Topic: Natural Resources and Natural Resources Department Short Description: Authority over farmed white-tailed deer reinstatement to the Board of Animal Health
SF 755 Anderson; Howe; Lang; Gruenhagen HF 1423 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-02009 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Shareholder limit increase for entity-owned agricultural homestead property
SF 765 Draheim; Lieske; Pratt; Anderson; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-01777 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: Certain definitions modifications for purposes of certain regional sales taxes
SF 866 Miller; Anderson; Lang; Putnam; Carlson HF 193 Repinski Revisor No.: 25-02383 Topic: Death, Funerals, and Cemeteries Short Description: Grave markers for veterans provided by the commissioner of veterans affairs requirement provision and appropriation
SF 871 Howe; Anderson Revisor No.: 25-02527 Topic: Drainage and Ditches Short Description: Unproductive conservation lands prohibited from being considered benefited property under state drainage laws
SF 891 Dahms; Duckworth; Kupec; Anderson HF 619 Swedzinski Revisor No.: 25-00672 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Property owned or leased by a congressionally chartered veterans organization property tax exemption authorization
SF 1154 Anderson; Eichorn; McEwen Revisor No.: 25-02965 Topic: Pollution and Pollution Control Agency Short Description: Subsurface treatment system rules referral to straight-pipe system statutory requirements modifications
SF 1155 Anderson HF 148 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-02027 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: City of Delano construction materials for an ice rink refundable tax exemption provision and appropriation
SF 1274 Coleman; Mathews; Anderson; Duckworth; Pratt Revisor No.: 25-01956 Topic: Metropolitan Area Short Description: Metropolitan region sales and use tax repealer
SF 1645 Anderson; Hoffman; Lucero; Gruenhagen HF 1043 Rarick Revisor No.: 25-02164 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Wright Technical Center capital improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 1658 Anderson; Eichorn HF 1888 McDonald Revisor No.: 25-03668 Topic: Environment Short Description: Disclosure requirements modification for subsurface sewage treatment systems
SF 1703 Anderson; Kunesh; Coleman; Cwodzinski; Rarick Revisor No.: 25-03655 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Department of Education bringing awareness of library services for blind and print disabled persons requirement provision
SF 1841 Anderson; Limmer HF 1367 Pinto Revisor No.: 25-02847 Topic: Children and families and Children, Youth and Families Department Short Description: Judicial review of maltreatment occurring outside of Minnesota authorization provision and local welfare agency responsibility for assessing of investigating alleged child maltreatment occurring outside of Minnesota provision
SF 1869 Housley; Duckworth; Anderson; Koran; Hawj HF 1407 Anderson, P. E. Revisor No.: 25-03658 Topic: Administration Department Short Description: City of Forest Lake veterans memorial appropriation
SF 2066 Abeler; Anderson HF 1052 Bakeberg Revisor No.: 25-03170 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Student discipline provisions modification
SF 2213 Anderson; Hoffman; Rarick; Weber Revisor No.: 25-02711 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Buffalo establishment of a public utilities commission with five members authorization
SF 2223 Anderson HF 1748 Rarick Revisor No.: 25-04251 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Monticello water treatment facility bond issue and appropriation
SF 2228 Limmer; Kreun; Howe; Anderson HF 2259 Johnson, W. Revisor No.: 25-04330 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Violent crime enforcement teams appropriation
SF 2315 Dornink; Dahms; Anderson HF 1428 Harder Revisor No.: 25-03637 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Excess money in the grain indemnity account requirement to be transferred to the agricultural emergency account
SF 2396 Lang; Anderson; Mitchell Revisor No.: 25-04369 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Certain practices by service providers restriction
SF 2402 Gruenhagen; Anderson; Drazkowski; Lucero Revisor No.: 25-00988 Topic: Education and Education Department Short Description: Instruction requirement to advance critical thinking skills
SF 2408 Eichorn; Draheim; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Anderson HF 1869 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-04354 Topic: Environment Short Description: Prohibition delay of certain PFAS-containing firefight foam at airport hangars
SF 2409 Eichorn; Draheim; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Anderson HF 1868 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-04353 Topic: Environment Short Description: Electronic and internal components exemption from certain PFAS prohibition
SF 2410 Eichorn; Draheim; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Anderson HF 1906 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-04352 Topic: Environment Short Description: PFAS prohibitions provisions modifications
SF 2411 Anderson HF 1345 Rarick Revisor No.: 25-02894 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: Statutory city public utility commission members allowable increase provision
SF 2445 Eichorn; Draheim; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Anderson HF 1870 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-04356 Topic: Environment Short Description: Pens containing lead exemption from the prohibition on manufacturing and selling lead-containing products provision
SF 2446 Eichorn; Draheim; Drazkowski; Wesenberg; Anderson HF 1871 Heintzeman Revisor No.: 25-04358 Topic: Environment Short Description: Certain lead solder in products prohibitions delayment provision
SF 2453 Limmer; Seeberger; Anderson HF 1042 Moller Revisor No.: 25-00802 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Independent Use of Force Investigations authority to investigate certain offenses that occur on state-owned military installations modifications
SF 2462 Lucero; Lieske; Gruenhagen; Anderson; Wesenberg Revisor No.: 25-04557 Topic: Environment Short Description: Prior law prohibiting weather modification reenactment