Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lieske Chief Author List Monday, March 17, 2025 SF 232 Lieske; Jasinski HF 1467 Allen Revisor No.: 25-00757 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Minnesota Braille and Talking Library responsibility moved from the Department of Education to the Department of Employment and Economic Development
SF 351 Lieske Revisor No.: 25-01929 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Northfield marked Trunk Highway 19 roundabout bond issue and appropriation
SF 352 Lieske; Wesenberg; Bahr; Green; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 25-00763 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Constitutional right to carry a firearm acknowledgment
SF 353 Lieske; Wesenberg; Lang; Draheim; Housley HF 1783 Roach Revisor No.: 25-00399 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Legion of Merit special license plate authorization
SF 354 Lieske; Wesenberg; Lang; Draheim; Housley HF 1185 Roach Revisor No.: 25-00582 Topic: Motor Vehicles-Registration, Licensing, and Taxation Short Description: Special license plate establishment for National Defense Medal recipients
SF 356 Lieske; Wesenberg; Bahr; Lang; Duckworth Revisor No.: 25-00758 Topic: Retirement Short Description: reemployment earning limit applicable to disability benefit payments increase
SF 388 Lieske; Wesenberg; Lang; Duckworth; Hoffman HF 1184 Roach Revisor No.: 25-01089 Topic: Death, Funerals, and Cemeteries Short Description: State veterans cemetery burial fee removal for spouses and dependents of eligible veterans
SF 389 Lieske; Wesenberg; Bahr; Green; Hoffman HF 1300 Roach Revisor No.: 25-00761 Topic: Human Services and Human Services Department Short Description: Commissioner of human services or children, youth, and families prohibition from rescinding public assistance benefits due to vaccination status
SF 391 Lieske; Kupec; Koran; Hoffman; Mathews HF 1954 Roach Revisor No.: 25-01944 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Cottage foods exemption amendment
SF 440 Lieske; Draheim; Drazkowski; Utke; Johnson Revisor No.: 25-00760 Topic: Popular Names Short Description: Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act
SF 487 Lieske; Putnam; Kupec; Koran; Westrom HF 1955 Roach Revisor No.: 25-00759 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Microenterprise home kitchen operation license creation
SF 595 Lieske; Utke; Hoffman; Bahr; Kupec HF 97 Huot Revisor No.: 25-01086 Topic: Insurance-Health Short Description: MinnesotaCare and medical assistance programs chiropractic services coverage modification provision
SF 601 Lieske; Wesenberg; Jasinski; Bahr; Drazkowski Revisor No.: 25-01581 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Vehicle registration taxes abolishment provision and transfer of money
SF 608 Lieske; Maye Quade; Wesenberg; Gruenhagen HF 1109 Roach Revisor No.: 25-01524 Topic: Commerce and Commerce Department Short Description: Data centers in certain districts prohibition provision
SF 772 Lieske; Wesenberg; Duckworth; Hoffman HF 1297 Roach Revisor No.: 25-02364 Topic: Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department Short Description: Veterans with disability market value exclusion increase provision
SF 1023 Lieske; Hoffman; Draheim; Mann; Abeler Revisor No.: 25-02603 Topic: Insurance-Health Short Description: Inherited metabolic diseases coverage by health plans requirement provision
SF 1191 Lieske; Wesenberg; Westrom; Draheim HF 26 Roach Revisor No.: 25-01876 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Never Again Act
SF 1196 Lieske; Rarick; Koran; Bahr; Lang Revisor No.: 25-02918 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: Law clarification on use of force in self-defense
SF 1288 Lieske; Abeler; Bahr HF 1724 Gillman Revisor No.: 25-00756 Topic: Hospitals and Health Care Facilities Short Description: Direct primary care service agreements establishment provision
SF 1686 Lieske; Hoffman; Abeler HF 2292 Franson Revisor No.: 25-02810 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Chiropractic practice inclusion of telemedicine services clarification provision; Board of Chiropractic Examiners having the authority to discipline a chiropractor who is not following executive order provision; Recognition of animal chiropractic sessions provision
SF 1881 Lieske; Wesenberg HF 2070 Dippel Revisor No.: 25-02859 Topic: Health and Health Department Short Description: Health records cost provisions modifications
SF 1964 Lieske; Wesenberg Revisor No.: 25-00762 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Governor Tim Walz Rebate Check Act of 2023 establishment and appropriation
SF 2110 Lieske; Jasinski; Coleman; Draheim Revisor No.: 25-04207 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: List of persons ineligible under the Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act expansion
SF 2344 Lieske; Wesenberg HF 1786 Roach Revisor No.: 25-04288 Topic: Government-Local Short Description: On-sale intoxicating liquor license issued to a licensed cosmetology salon cities authorization provision
SF 2599 Lieske; Draheim HF 1881 Pursell Revisor No.: 25-04383 Topic: Public Safety and Public Safety Department Short Description: City of New Prague centralized public safety center bond issuance and appropriation