Organized by last name.
2025 - 2026 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dornink Chief Author List Saturday, March 15, 2025 SF 310 Dornink; Kupec; Hauschild; Draheim; Putnam HF 1057 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-01257 Topic: Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department Short Description: Employee definition modified for the purposes of earned sick and safe time
SF 357 Dornink HF 1170 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-00908 Topic: Hospitals and Health Care Facilities Short Description: Minnesota BioImaging Center of the Hormel Institute bond issue and appropriation
SF 358 Dornink Revisor No.: 25-00907 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: Riverland Community College improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 359 Dornink HF 449 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-00905 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Manchester clean water infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 497 Dornink HF 450 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-01561 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: City of Albert Lea wastewater treatment facility improvements bond issuance and appropriation
SF 498 Dornink Revisor No.: 25-00906 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: Certain conservation clubs sales and use tax exemption provision
SF 501 Dornink; Kupec; Rest; Weber; Draheim HF 968 Davids Revisor No.: 25-00941 Topic: Taxation-Income Short Description: Minnesota education credit eligible expenses expansion provision
SF 614 Dornink; Drazkowski; Gustafson; Hoffman; Abeler HF 176 Davids Revisor No.: 25-00912 Topic: Taxation-Sales and Use Short Description: All school supplies tax exemption provision
SF 685 Dornink; Drazkowski; Bahr; Lieske Revisor No.: 25-00909 Topic: Government-State Short Description: Vote threshold for certain bills heard in a standing committee of the legislature establishment
SF 778 Dornink HF 965 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-02418 Topic: Public Facilities Authority Short Description: Clarks Grove water and sewer infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
SF 977 Dornink; Howe; Kupec; Gustafson; Putnam Revisor No.: 25-00598 Topic: Transportation and Transportation Department Short Description: Fee exemption provision for motor vehicles bearing Purple Heart medal special plates
SF 1004 Dornink; Drazkowski; Rarick; Lieske; Koran HF 597 Quam Revisor No.: 25-00913 Topic: Constitutional Amendments Short Description: Constitutional Amendment proposal to prohibit state spending in excess of inflation and population growth
SF 1005 Dornink HF 1456 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-00910 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Austin local sales and use tax authorization
SF 1135 Dornink HF 629 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-02993 Topic: Cities and Towns-Specific Short Description: Blooming Prairie contamination remediation improvements bond issue and appropriation
SF 1263 Dornink; Dahms; Weber; Boldon; Draheim HF 1178 Mueller Revisor No.: 25-03223 Topic: Education-Higher Short Description: University of Minnesota bond issue and appropriation for capital improvements in Mower County for the FAARM program
SF 1507 Dornink; Westrom; Kupec; Dahms; Weber HF 43 Anderson, P. H. Revisor No.: 25-02807 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Biofuel infrastructure grants appropriation
SF 1849 Dornink; Draheim; Seeberger; Rarick HF 1523 Harder Revisor No.: 25-02982 Topic: Employment and Economic Development Department Short Description: Certain agricultural workers exemption from the Minnesota Paid Leave Law
SF 2315 Dornink; Dahms; Anderson HF 1428 Harder Revisor No.: 25-03637 Topic: Agriculture and Agriculture Department Short Description: Excess money in the grain indemnity account requirement to be transferred to the agricultural emergency account
SF 2378 Dornink HF 2153 Bennett Revisor No.: 25-04570 Topic: Taxation Short Description: Albert Lea city projects construction materials refundable sales and use tax exemption establishment