Welcome to the Minnesota Senate
- Bill search and status - Search for legislation by number, subject and key words.
- MyBills - Individual bill tracking application.
- 2024 Omnibus Budget and Policy Bills
- Side by Sides - Comparison of House and Senate bill language as they passed each body.
- Companion bill numbers - House and Senate bills matched up with their companion.
- Budget Tracking Spreadsheets - Spreadsheets to record budget decisions at key steps in the budget process.
- Messages from the House
- Retrieve Conference Committee Reports and Unofficial Engrossments
- Special Orders (scheduled bills).
- Senate Floor Amendments
- Committee Engrossments
- Chapters and Resolutions - Bills passed by both houses and sent to the Governor.
Members & Staff
Senate Committees
- 2025-2026 Committee Information - Lists of committees and divisions.
- Conference Committee Activity - List of bills in Conference, membership and current status.
- Conference Committee Reports - Bills approved by conference committee.
- Hearing Room Audio and Video Archives
- Committee Deadlines - Committee deadlines as established by Concurrent Resolution.
- Committee Schedule - Printable committee schedule, day of week and room committee assignments.
Employment Opportunities
- Senate Employment Opportunities - List of current Senate employment opportunities. Subscribe for employment notifications
- Senate Internship Program
- Employment Verifications - Phone:(651) 296-0268 Email: hr@senate.mn
Daily Business
- Senate Schedules - Committee meetings and Floor Session.
- Agendas and Calendars - Orders of Business.
- Agenda Addendum (when available).
- Bill introductions - Daily list of bills introduced.
- Senate Journal - Official record of daily activity during session.
- Go to a specific page of the Senate Journal
Information & Publications
- New Laws - A summary of the annual new legislation.
- 2024 Fiscal Review (PDF) (NEW)
- Glossary of Legislative Terminology (PDF)
- Minnesota Senate Email list Subscription Form. - Receive e-mail updates from Senate Listservs.
- Bill Summaries - View Bill Summaries.
- Act Summaries – View summaries of bills that have enacted.
- Executive Appointments - Senate Confirmation of Executive Appointments.
- Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis - Legal and Fiscal Issues & Information.
- Rules of the Senate (PDF) - 2025-2026 Rules of the Senate.
- Joint Rules of the Senate and House (PDF) - 2025-2026 Temporary Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives.
- Minnesota Senate Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy or Minnesota Senate Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy (PDF)
- Publications - View a list of Senate and other legislative publications.
- 2024 State Fair Poll results (PDF)
- Visiting the Capitol - Find informational details on visiting the Capitol.
- Map to the Capitol - Visit an interactive map to get driving directions to or from areas within the Capitol complex.
- Capitol Complex Meeting Areas - View locations in the Capitol complex available to the public to hold events.
Senate Schedule
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