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Senate Sergeant at Arms Office

Legislative Role

A staff of sergeants is responsible for the security of the Senate. Sergeants maintain order, control the admittance of people to the Senate Chamber, Senate offices and Senate committee hearing rooms. In addition, the sergeants are responsible for controlling the temperature and ventilation of the Chamber and for performing various related duties. Sergeants are responsible for the security of the Chamber, galleries, offices and hearing rooms and for enforcing the dress code in the Chamber.

Functions and Services

The Sergeant At Arms Office performs the following duties:

  • Control of entrance to the Senate Chamber and Public Galleries, enforce dress code, provide name badges, and accomodate Senate Member requests.
  • Authorize and schedule Capitol meeting room reservations.
  • Refer requests for public meeting areas to the Minnesota Department of Administration.
  • Provide access to a Sign Language Interpreter at any public hearing or conference.
  • Provide internal services to Senate Members and employees, including recording equipment and assistance for electronic recording of meetings, security and protection, communication, postal services, parking arrangements, and purchase and distribution of supplies.

Key Resources

Resource Description
Capitol Complex Meeting Areas Members of the public may request the use of a Senate meeting room to hold a meeting of public interest.
Public Services The Senate Sergeant At Arms Office will provide access to a Sign Language Interpreter at any public meeting or conference. If you would like to request these services at a particular hearing or conference, please contact the Legislative Coordinating Commission or visit the Senate Committees web pages and contact the Committee Administrator or Legislative Assistant of the committee holding the meeting.
Parking Arrangements Public parking is available at meters and designated lots, and is managed by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Capitol Security Division. For more information, visit the Visiting the Capitol web page. The Senate Sergeant At Arms Office manages the parking lots and ramps in the Capitol complex area, providing Senate Members and employees parking accommodations.
Audio Recordings

Senate sessions and committee meetings are recorded electronically by Senate staff. The Senate Sergeant At Arms, Senate Supply Office, provides technical assistance with recording equipment and maintains archive logs of audio recordings. Audio recordings are available for all Senate Floor Sessions and Committee Hearings. Meetings prior to 2005 are only available on audio cassette.

Senate Rule On Audio:

  • Senate Rule 50.9 which requires that proceedings of the Senate and Senate Committees be tape recorded includes the following statement: "The Senate intends that testimony and discussion preserved under this rule not be admissible in any court or administrative proceeding on an issue of legislative intent".

To Request Audio of Senate Hearings:

  • Call Senate Audio/Supply/Mail Services at 651.296.5720, or email
  • Specify date and time of event; whether it was a committee hearing or floor session. Provide full name of audio recording, time and date.
  • Include your name and a phone number where you can be reached.
  • Following arrangements for payment, the audio CD will be mailed out or can be picked up at the Senate Supply Room Grd Fl W State Capitol.


  • There is a $12.50 dubbing charge for each (80 minutes) of recording.
  • Shipping charges are added to the total. (approximately .80 for up to 5 CD's shipped)
  • Credit cards are not accepted.
  • Cash is not accepted.
  • Make checks payable to "Minnesota Senate".

Timeline and Calendar Highlights

Date timeline Description
While Legislature is in Session Monitor activities in Senate Chamber and Public Galleries.
Upon Request Authorize and monitor use of Senate facilities in Capitol building.
Year Round Provide administrative and security services to Senate Members, employees, and public while at the Capitol and surrounding areas.

Staff List

Name Title Office Phone Number
Hikmat Asgarov Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Matt Bayer Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Ryan Davis Legislative Assistant G430 MSB 651.296.8154
Gordon Dean Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Steve Dehler Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Don Enockson Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Bob Johnson Electronics Technician G430 MSB 651.296.8015
Randy LaFoy Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
John Lagoo Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Greg Levendoski Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.0186
Sven Lindquist Sergeant at Arms G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Faith Masloski Legislative Assistant G430 MSB 651.296.7514
Timothy O'Neill Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Aronn Oakland Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Bryan Pierick Assistant Sergeant at Arms G430 MSB 651.296.4345
Matt Reicher Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.5720
Chris Salazar Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.0186
Jack Standish Assistant Electronics Technician/Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.0186
Michael Strand Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Kevin Thury Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
George Tourville Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119
Jim Woodburn Sergeant G430 MSB 651.296.1119