SF 4563 changes the source of funding for several appropriations previously enacted during the 2020 legislative session. These changes are designed to maximize the use of federal funding by changing the source of the appropriation from the general fund to the federal coronavirus relief fund. Each of the appropriations modified by this bill are related to COVID-19 or mitigating the effect of COVID-19.
In total, the bill reduces appropriations and transfers from the general fund by $333.0 million in FY 2020. A tracking spreadsheet for the bill is located at: https://www.senate.mn/departments/fiscalpol/tracking/2020/Overall_SF%204563,%20GF%20to%20CRF%20Convert%20Items.pdf
Section 1 changes the source of a $20.9 million transfer to the public health contingency response account.
Section 2 changes the source of a $50 million transfer to the public health contingency response account.
Section 3 changes the source of a $150 million transfer to the health care response account.
Section 4 changes the source of a $29.9 million appropriation to the commissioner of human services for emergency child care grants.
Section 5 changes the source of a $6.2 million appropriation to the commissioner of veterans affairs for special emergency grants.
Section 6 changes the source of a $9 million appropriation to the commissioner of human services for food shelf programs.
Section 7 changes the source of a $5.5 million appropriation to the commissioner of human services for a housing support rate increase.
Section 8 changes the source of an $11 million appropriation to the commissioner of revenue for tribal nations grants.
Section 9 changes the source of a 1.3 million appropriation to the commissioner of agriculture for grants to Second Harvest Heartland.
Section 10 cancels $49.2 million to the general fund from the COVID-19 Minnesota fund.
Sections 11 to 12 change the source of $49.2 million of expenditures that were made from the COVID-19 Minnesota Fund to the federal coronavirus relief fund.
Section 13 cancels all general fund appropriations and transfers included in the bill to the general fund.
Section 14 repeals the Laws 2020, chapter 74 general fund appropriation of $1.250 million for the Second Harvest Food Bank grants. Section 12 appropriates the same amount for the same purpose from the coronavirus relief fund.