Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1991 - DNR Lands Bill (First Engrossment)
Author: Senator Carrie Ruud
Prepared By: Ben Stanley, Senate Counsel (651/296-4793)
Date: March 21, 2019


Section 1 [Conveyance of Interest in Real Property to Resolve Boundaries] Requires the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to publish notice of the conveyance of an interest in real property as part of the resolution of a boundary line issue at least 30 days prior to the conveyance. Current law requires this to be done 15 to 30 days before the conveyance.

Section 2 [Raising of Threshold for Appraisal Requirement] Raises from $50,000 to $100,000 the threshold above which the DNR is required to get an appraisal of land prior to selling it.

Section 3 [Agencies Receiving Notice of Intent to Sell Surplus Land] Replaces a requirement that all state agencies be notified before DNR intends to sell surplus land with a requirement that only certain state agencies be so notified.

Section 4 [Appraisal Requirement; Tribe Notification] Raises from $50,000 to $100,000 the threshold above which the DNR is required to get an appraisal of surplus land prior to selling it. Requires notification to an Indian tribe prior to offering for sale any surplus land located within the reservation boundary of the tribe.

Section 5 [Location of Sale of Land in Certain Counties] Allows tax-forfeited lands in Koochiching and St. Louis counties to be sold in any designated facility, not just county-owned facilities.

Section 6 [Negotiation of Value of Improvements on Tax-Forfeited Land] Allows the county to negotiate with purchasers of certain tax-forfeited lakeshore land for the value of improvements on the land.

Section 7 [Sunset Extension] Extends sunset of authority to sell certain tax-forfeited land in St. Louis County.

Section 8 [Addition to State Park] Adds land to the statutory boundaries of Glendalough State Park in Otter Tail County.

Section 9 [Deletion from State Park] Deletes land from St. Croix State Park in Pine County.

Section 10 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Carlton County] Authorizes private sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Carlton County.

Section 11 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Cass County] Authorizes public sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Cass County.

Section 12 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Hubbard County] Authorizes private sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Hubbard County.

Section 13 [Sale of Tax-Forfeited Land in Itasca County] Authorizes private sale of tax-forfeited land in Itasca county.

Section 14 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Kanabec County] Authorizes public sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Kanabec County.

Section 15 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Otter Tail County] Authorizes public sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Otter Tail County.

Section 16 [Lease of Tax-Forfeited Land in St. Louis County] Allows lease of tax-forfeited land in St. Louis County for more than $12,000.

Section 17 [Operation of Vehicles on Rustic Roads] Allows operation by St. Louis County of vehicles on rustic roads to access tax-forfeited lands for forest management purposes.

Section 18 [Sale of Tax-Forfeited Land in St. Louis County] Authorizes private sale of tax-forfeited land in St. Louis County.

Section 19 [Stearns County Land Conveyance] Authorizes conveyance of certain state-owned land in Stearns County.

Section 20 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Wabasha County] Authorizes public sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Wabasha County.

Section 21 [Sale of Land Bordering Public Water in Yellow Medicine County] Authorizes private sale of certain surplus land bordering public water in Yellow Medicine County.

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