Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 952 - Transportation of nonresident pupils
Author: Senator Michael P. Goggin
Prepared By: Bjorn E. Arneson, Senate Analyst (651/296-3812)
Date: February 22, 2019


Sec. 1. Nonresident pupil defined. Requires that a nonresident district that transports a pupil within the pupil’s resident district must have a written agreement with the resident district. Provides that a nonresident district that provides such transportation without an agreement is subject to a reduction in state aid.

Sec. 2. Pupil application procedures. Clarifies that the January 15 application deadline for open enrollment for the following school year does not apply in cases of achievement and integration program district transfers or if certain other exceptions apply.

Sec. 3. Achievement and integration district transfers. Clarifies that the January 15 application deadline for open enrollment for the following school year does not apply in cases of achievement and integration program district transfers.

Sec. 4. Nonresident district procedures. Requires that when a district notifies a pupil that the pupil’s transfer application has been accepted, the district must include information regarding the transportation of nonresident pupils within the resident district.

Sec. 5. Transportation. Prohibits a nonresident district from providing transportation to and from school to a pupil within the pupil's resident district unless the nonresident district and resident district agree in writing that the nonresident district may transport the pupil. Requires the nonresident district to inform the resident district monthly of the names of resident pupils transported and the routes used. Requires the term of the agreement to not exceed one year. Requires the agreement to be posted on each district’s website.

Sec. 6. Nonresident district pupil transportation. Reduces the general education aid for a district that transports nonresident pupils in violation of the required transportation agreement. The amount of the reduction is equal to nonresident pupil by an amount equal to the sum of 4.66 percent of the formula allowance and the district's per pupil transportation sparsity allowance.

EFFECTIVE DATES. All sections are effective for the 2020-2021 school year and later.


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