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Senate Engrossing Office

Legislative Role

The Engrossing Office provides internal legislative production services to Senate members and employees. The Engrossing Office works jointly with the Senate Desk and prepares and processes Committee Reports, Governor's Appointments, and Floor Amendments. The Engrossing Secretary is an elected officer of the Senate.

Functions and Services

  • The Engrossing Office performs the following duties:
    • Processing Committee Reports. The Engrossing Secretary checks the committee report for correct drafting of amendments, proper wording, clarity, engrossability, internal references, title amendments, statutory references, grammar, punctuation and other details. All committee reports are then put into an electronic format. The final copy of the report and the original bill are sent to the Secretary of the Senate, Senate Desk. The Engrossing Secretary keeps a record of all committee reports by committee and file number, date received and date transmitted to the Desk.
    • Processing, providing drafting assistance of, and distributing floor amendments. Floor amendments are generally prepared ahead of time whenever possible to permit proper review by the Engrossing Secretary or a Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis attorney before session. All floor amendments are converted to a computerized format for use in the Senate Journal.
    • Processing and recording Governor's appointments. These are appointments made by the Governor to state agencies that require confirmation by the Senate which are referred to the appropriate committees. The Engrossing Secretary processes governor's appointments for Senate approval and fields any questions. View a current list of Senate Confirmation of Executive Appointments.

Key Resources

Resource Description
Senate Confirmation of Executive Appointments The Senate is authorized to give its advice and consent on executive appointments under Minnesota Statutes, section 15.066
Senate Floor Amendments This is a resource for positions open within legislative offices.

Staff List

Name Title Office Phone Number
Lindsey Bundgaard Engrossing Specialist 207 Capitol 651.296.0855
Christian Knellwolf Legislative Assistant 207 Capitol 651.296.0645
Melissa Mapes Engrossing Secretary 207 Capitol 651.296.4149
Steven Siqueiros Engrossing Specialist 207 Capitol 651.296.4868