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Agriculture, Veterans, Broadband, and Rural Development

2025-2026 Regular Session

Report Date: March 14, 2025 1:02:05 AM

Bill # Senate Author Description Date Received Hearing Date Action Taken Senate Last Action
SF98 Drazkowski Pesticide applicators restricted use requirements modifications 01/16/2025
SF99 Drazkowski Pesticide applicators restricted use requirements modification 01/16/2025
SF188 Gustafson Ortho-phthalate testing results reporting of packaged food requirement 01/16/2025
SF239 Draheim Cell-cultured meat and cell-cultured poultry definition 01/16/2025
SF248 Dibble Knowing euthanasia prohibition of pet or companion animals with nonanesthetic gas at certain facilities 01/16/2025
SF257 Abeler Second Harvest Heartland appropriation 01/16/2025 02/19/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF296 Dahms Minnesota Agricultural Education and Leadership Council grants appropriation 01/21/2025 02/03/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF302 Lang CelluComp grant appropriation 01/21/2025 02/26/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF303 Lang Minnesota-made fertilizer grant program establishment and appropriation 01/21/2025 03/05/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF304 Lang Minnesota Made Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) alternative grants appropriation 02/10/2025 02/26/2025
SF305 Lang Meat, poultry, egg, and milk processing facilities appropriation 01/21/2025 03/12/2025
SF310 Dornink Employee definition modified for the purposes of earned sick and safe time 01/27/2025 02/03/2025 Reported to the Senate without recommendation
SF327 Koran Lawful carry and possession of firearms at the State Fairgrounds establishment 01/21/2025
SF388 Lieske State veterans cemetery burial fee removal for spouses and dependents of eligible veterans 01/21/2025
SF391 Lieske Cottage foods exemption amendment 01/21/2025 02/03/2025 Laid on the table
SF469 Johnson Wolf and elk depredation payments appropriation 01/21/2025 02/26/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF487 Lieske Microenterprise home kitchen operation license creation 01/23/2025
SF488 Green Veteran retreats appropriation 01/23/2025
SF489 Green State veterans cemetery burial fee removal for spouses and dependents of eligible veterans 01/23/2025
SF490 Green Registered small farm producer permission to sell fluid raw milk and fluid raw milk product to consumers under certain circumstances 01/23/2025
SF553 Wesenberg Farmed Cervidae fencing requirements provisions modifications 01/23/2025 01/29/2025 Amended and referred to the Committee on Environment, Climate, and Legacy without recommendation
SF568 Hawj Veteran definition expansion and advisory task force establishment 01/23/2025
SF586 Hauschild Veterans on the Lake appropriation 01/27/2025
SF613 Hauschild Veterans on the Lake grant appropriation 01/27/2025
SF616 Drazkowski Service members bonus appropriation 01/27/2025
SF629 Kupec Second Harvest Heartland farm to food shelf program appropriation 01/27/2025 02/19/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF659 Wesenberg Certain duties transferal from the commissioner of natural resources to the Board of Animal Health 01/27/2025 01/29/2025 Referred to the Committee on Environment, Climate, and Legacy without recommendation
SF674 Seeberger Mental health services and outdoor activities for currently serving military personnel and veterans appropriation 01/27/2025
SF739 Westrom Importation of live Cervidae permission to certain accredited facilities 01/27/2025
SF747 Wesenberg Authority over farmed white-tailed deer reinstatement to the Board of Animal Health 01/30/2025
SF756 Kupec Civil damages provision for failing to give notice to finding an estray 01/30/2025
SF764 Wesenberg Defend the Guard Act establishment 01/30/2025
SF775 Putnam Ombudsperson for safety, health, and well-being of agricultural and food processing workers establishment 02/20/2025
SF825 Utke Dairy development and profitability enhancement continuation and dairy business planning grant programs appropriation 01/30/2025 02/05/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF843 Hauschild Matching requirements modification for the lower population density program 01/30/2025
SF866 Miller Grave markers for veterans provided by the commissioner of veterans affairs requirement provision and appropriation 02/03/2025
SF868 Wesenberg Broadband grants used for fixed wireless broadband authorization and broadband mapping requirements clarification provision 02/03/2025
SF881 Kupec Biofuel financial assistance appropriation 02/03/2025 03/10/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF882 Gustafson Soil health financial assistance program appropriation 02/03/2025 03/05/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF934 Kupec Agricultural Utilization Research Institute appropriation 02/03/2025 02/12/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1029 Westlin Board of Animal Health commercial dog and cat breeder data collection classification modification, kennel and dealer advertising requirements modifications, and certain kennel, dealer and commercial breeder information posting requirement by the Board of Animal Health provision 02/06/2025
SF1045 Farnsworth Forgotten Heroes Ranges and Retreat grant appropriation 02/06/2025
SF1051 Farnsworth Forgotten Heroes Ranges and Retreat grant appropriation 02/06/2025
SF1121 Frentz Agriculture-related business assistance appropriation 02/06/2025
SF1126 Bahr Sales of unpasteurized milk authorization 02/10/2025
SF1172 Kupec Agricultural growth, research, and innovation program account creation in the agricultural fund authorization; appropriating money 02/10/2025
SF1178 Kupec Money transferal into the agriculture research, education, extension, and technology transfer (AGREETT) account 02/10/2025 02/12/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1183 Gustafson Nitrate private well mitigation appropriation 02/10/2025
SF1188 Westrom Terms definition related to cell-cultured and insect products 02/10/2025
SF1193 Wesenberg Wolf depredation compensation program modification 02/10/2025
SF1220 Seeberger University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative money transfer provision 02/10/2025 02/12/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1359 Rest Advanced biofuel production incentive modification provision 02/13/2025 03/10/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1389 Hoffman Microplastics in meat and poultry study requirement and appropriation 02/13/2025
SF1413 Kupec Developing markets for continuous-living cover crops program appropriation 02/13/2025
SF1419 Putnam Agricultural assets owners available credit cap elimination provision 03/06/2025
SF1428 Weber Beginning farmer tax credits eligibility expansion provision 02/17/2025
SF1452 Putnam Veterans service office grant program and appropriation 02/17/2025
SF1507 Dornink Biofuel infrastructure grants appropriation 02/17/2025 03/10/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1515 Westrom Definition of sustainable aviation fuel modification 02/17/2025 03/10/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1516 Westrom Agricultural Utilization Research Institute appropriation 02/17/2025
SF1540 Putnam Board of Animal Health appropriation 02/17/2025
SF1552 Kupec Financial reporting requirements for grain buyers modification 02/17/2025 02/19/2025 Recommended to pass
SF1559 Gustafson Farm to school and early care programs appropriation 02/17/2025 02/19/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1575 Kupec Biofertilizer water preservation program establishment and appropriation 02/20/2025 03/05/2025 Amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
SF1615 Hoffman Commissioner of agriculture appropriation for an agricultural training program for Black youth at historical Black-owned farms 02/20/2025
SF1616 Hoffman Commissioner of veterans affairs appropriation for a veteran mentorship program for Black youth 02/20/2025
SF1628 Kunesh Bioincentive payment recipients additional information requirement provision 02/20/2025
SF1647 Johnson Depredation compensation payments appropriation 02/20/2025
SF1704 Putnam State Armory Building Commission maximum bonded indebtedness allowed increase provision 02/20/2025
SF1705 Kupec Veterans burial provisions modifications 02/20/2025
SF1706 Kupec Human services data and veterans data provisions modifications 02/20/2025
SF1753 Kreun Agriculture best management practices loan program transferal 02/24/2025
SF1770 Kupec Northern crops institute grants appropriation 02/24/2025 03/12/2025
SF1782 Farnsworth Fishing with Vets grant appropriation 02/24/2025
SF1805 Dahms Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association grants appropriation 02/24/2025 03/12/2025
SF1831 Kupec County agricultural inspector grants appropriation 02/24/2025 03/12/2025
SF1839 Putnam Program establishment to provide grants to prevent the spread of avian influenza 02/24/2025 02/26/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF1840 Kupec Grant program appropriation to promote certain nutrient management practices 02/24/2025 03/05/2025 Amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety
SF1866 Westrom Board of Animal Health appropriation 02/27/2025
SF1893 Putnam Lutheran Social Services CORE program appropriation 02/27/2025
SF1894 Putnam Federal accreditation requirement of benefit services providers 02/27/2025 03/12/2025
SF1930 Howe Continued education benefits provision to surviving spouses 02/27/2025
SF1935 Mohamed Elective declawing of cats prohibition 02/27/2025
SF1959 Putnam Department of Military Affairs and the Department of Veterans Affairs budget establishment provision, veterans benefits services accreditation disclosure requirements to veterans and veterans' family modifications provision, Gold and Blue Star families honor plaque on State Capitol grounds placed by the commissioner of administration requirement provision, and appropriation 02/27/2025
SF2045 Rest Equal Access to Broadband Act establishment provision 03/03/2025
SF2137 Johnson Minnesota Turf Seed Council grants appropriation 03/03/2025 03/12/2025
SF2147 Kupec Livestock investment grant program grant awards modification 03/03/2025 03/12/2025
SF2183 Hoffman Commissioner of veterans affairs appropriation for a grant to an organization to establish a Black veterans support program 03/06/2025
SF2189 Kunesh Commissioner of agriculture appropriation to establish an anonymous means for a person to report potential land ownership violations 03/06/2025
SF2190 Kunesh Study requirement of microplastics in meat and poultry 03/06/2025
SF2217 Seeberger Minnesota State Horticultural Society appropriations 03/06/2025 03/12/2025
SF2222 Howe Eligibility modification for burial in state veterans cemetery 03/06/2025
SF2259 Kunesh Native American United States Veterans memorial appropriation 03/06/2025
SF2302 Dahms Farmed Cervidae provisions modifications 03/10/2025
SF2315 Dornink Excess money in the grain indemnity account requirement to be transferred to the agricultural emergency account 03/10/2025
SF2396 Lang Certain practices by service providers restriction 03/10/2025
SF2415 Dibble Companion Animal Board establishment, duties transfer, rulemaking authorization, and appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2430 Kunesh Local food purchasing assistance program appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2431 Kupec Agricultural land trends report requirement provision and appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2458 Putnam Department of Agriculture, the Board of Animal Health, and the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute budget establishment 03/13/2025
SF2472 Hoffman Veterans resilience project appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2473 Hoffman Minnesota Black Farmers Association purchase of advanced 21st century farming equipment for use by a cooperative of Black veteran farmers appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2474 Hoffman Board of Animal Health modifications 03/13/2025
SF2550 Kupec Fargo Memorial Honor Guard construction of a chapel and parking lot and related infrastructure at veterans national cemetery in North Dakota appropriation 03/13/2025
SF2610 Putnam Beginning farmer program provisions modification 03/17/2025
SF2611 Putnam Livestock market agency and dealer licensing provisions modification 03/17/2025