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Education Finance

2025-2026 Regular Session

Report Date: February 18, 2025 11:01:29 PM

Bill # Senate Author Description Date Received Hearing Date Action Taken Senate Last Action
SF42 Kunesh Suicide prevention curriculum appropriation 01/16/2025
SF81 Rarick Independent School District No. 99, Esko, American Indian Removal and replacement costs appropriation 01/16/2025
SF82 Rarick Consolidation transition aid increase for school districts provision 01/16/2025
SF110 Champion Learning with Music grant provision and appropriation 01/16/2025
SF133 Weber Student support personnel aid allowable uses expansion 01/16/2025 01/28/2025 Amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF173 Rest Cursive instruction in elementary school appropriation 01/16/2025
SF193 Kunesh American Indian Schools permanent school supplemental aid appropriation 01/16/2025
SF328 Putnam St. Cloud Area School District preschool programs grant appropriation 01/21/2025
SF349 Farnsworth Independent School District #318, Grand Rapids American Indian mascot removal and replacement costs appropriation 01/21/2025
SF364 Boldon Literary interventions grant provision 01/21/2025
SF437 Green Natural disaster debt service equalization aid program broadening to assist school district with a high percentage of property excluded from the tax rolls 01/21/2025
SF448 Cwodzinski ParentChild+ program appropriation 01/21/2025
SF464 Utke Prohibition modification on American Indian mascots 01/21/2025
SF474 Kunesh Chronic absenteeism reduction personnel aid funding from school districts and charter schools authorization 01/21/2025
SF482 Rasmusson Short-call substitute teacher pilot program extension 02/03/2025
SF504 Mohamed Grant authorization to improve students' digital technology skills and support digital learning 01/23/2025
SF510 Mann Academic Acceleration Pilot Program establishment and appropriation 01/23/2025
SF523 Farnsworth Historic school building preservation grants appropriation 01/23/2025
SF551 Putnam Building Assets, Reducing Risks Center funding provision and appropriation 01/23/2025
SF637 Duckworth Safe Haven In Every Local District (SHIELD) Act 01/27/2025
SF844 Hauschild Allowed uses of student support personnel aid modification for school districts and charter schools with declining enrollment 01/30/2025
SF857 Farnsworth National Register of Historic Places log-term facilities maintenance revenue and revenue uses for school districts with facilities on the list authorization and appropriation 02/03/2025
SF880 Duckworth Success incentive aid program funding establishment and appropriation 02/03/2025
SF896 Bahr Prior active transportation account transfer onetime establishment 02/03/2025
SF903 Rarick Elementary counseling services inclusion for nonpublic pupils in nonpublic pupil aid 02/03/2025
SF949 Maye Quade Registered special education apprenticeship programs in intermediate school districts grants appropriation 02/03/2025 02/18/2025 Laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
SF993 Champion Hospitality education grant appropriation 02/06/2025
SF1019 Housley Transportation sparsity revenue percent modification provision 02/06/2025
SF1034 Boldon Community Engagement Response Team appropriation 02/06/2025
SF1078 Housley Funding increase for pupil transportation 02/06/2025
SF1086 Duckworth General education basic formula allowance increase by an additional three percent per year 02/06/2025
SF1125 Clark Special education and English learner cross subsidy aid modification by the increase in the Consumer Price Index 02/06/2025
SF1176 Boldon P-TECH implementation grants appropriation 02/10/2025
SF1197 Hauschild School district seasonal tax base replacement aid establishment 02/10/2025
SF1198 Hauschild Roof projects authorization as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program 02/10/2025
SF1200 Kunesh Calculation of charter school general education revenue clarification 02/10/2025
SF1201 Kunesh School library aid school district eligibility clarification provision 02/10/2025
SF1202 Kunesh School district aid calculation clarification provision and levy limitations upon return of excess tax increment or decertification of a tax increment district 02/10/2025
SF1254 Pha School district local optional revenue increase 02/10/2025
SF1275 Boldon Extended time revenue linked to increases in the general education basic formula allowance provision and appropriation 02/13/2025
SF1290 Rarick Eligible grant expenditures clarification for the aeronautics and commercial over-the-road technical program 02/13/2025
SF1294 Coleman Charter schools local optional revenue aid provision 02/13/2025
SF1301 Putnam Museum and education centers grants appropriations 02/13/2025
SF1318 Pha Allowed uses of long-term facilities maintenance revenue modification to include school safety facility enhancements 02/13/2025
SF1323 Gustafson Mission modification of the Minnesota math corps program 02/13/2025
SF1344 Boldon ActivEd Walkabouts program grant appropriation 02/13/2025
SF1357 Kunesh Compensatory Revenue Task Force establishment, Read Act implementation professional development requirements modifications, teacher training funding provision, unemployment aid account increase provision, and appropriations 02/13/2025
SF1426 Hauschild Career and technical revenue for school districts increase provision and appropriation 02/17/2025
SF1460 Maye Quade School district to reauthorize a capital projects referendum by board action authorization 02/17/2025
SF1461 Maye Quade School-age care programs to provide services to certain eligible prekindergarten students authorization 02/17/2025
SF1594 McEwen Special education initial aid amount adjustment for Independent School District No.709, Duluth 02/20/2025
SF1608 Oumou Verbeten Grant to a nonprofit provision to develop a global competency skills pilot program 02/20/2025
SF1612 Oumou Verbeten School district funding increase 02/20/2025
SF1679 Rarick School districts cooperation and expense sharing to operate an ice rink authorization provision 02/20/2025