Amendment scr0008a-5

scr0008a-5 scr0008a-5

1.1Senator Dahms moved to amend Senate Resolution No. 8 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 4, delete everything after "1" and insert "is hereby terminated with the
1.3exception that the following provisions that remain in effect:"
1.4Page 1, delete line 5 and insert:
1.5"(1) Section VII, lines 5.28 to 6.2 (Staff);
1.6(2) Section XI (Senate Rules);
1.7(3) Section XIII (Future Agreements); and
1.8(4) The Committee on Commerce will be co-chaired by Senators Dahms and Klein. The
1.9co-chairs must mutually agree before placing an item on a committee agenda. The co-chairs
1.10will determine how to share the chair."
1.11The motion prevailed. #did not prevail. So the amendment was #not adopted.