Amendment sch5237a-5

sch5237a-5 sch5237a-5

1.1Senator Nelson moved to amend H.F. No. 5237, as amended pursuant to Rule 45,
1.2adopted by the Senate May 2, 2024, as follows:
1.3(The text of the amended House File is identical to S.F. No. 5252.)
1.4Page 14, line 8, delete everything after the first period and insert "In evaluating
1.5applications and awarding support grants, the commissioner must give priority to applications
1.6that provide evidence of:"
1.7Page 14, after line 8, insert:
1.8"(1) strong support for the P-TECH program from citizens, government, businesses, and
1.9institutions in the community;
1.10(2) a steady rate of student participation and retention in the P-TECH program; and
1.11(3) measurable academic progress by students enrolled in the P-TECH program."
1.12Page 24, line 11, after "2026" insert "and later"
1.13Page 24, line 13, delete everything after the period
1.14Page 24, delete lines 14 and 15
1.15The motion prevailed. #did not prevail. So the amendment was #not adopted.