Minnesota Republican Party Caucus
The Republican Caucus consists of elected legislative members of the Republican (R) Party.
The Senate Republican Caucus represents the Republican Party views on Minnesota legislative policy.
The Senate GOP offices oversee daily tasks performed by internal Senate offices, including operation of the Senate parliamentary procedures during each legislative session as well as production of legislative and other documents. Research, media announcements, and communications with Senators' constituents are provided by the caucus offices.
Resource | Description |
Republican Caucus Senators | View the list of Senators that are members of or caucus with the Republican Caucus |
Leadership | View the list of leadership positions. |
Date timeline | Description |
July 1 | State fiscal year begins each year, and in odd-numbered years, state fiscal biennium begins. |
July through December | Groundwork is laid for upcoming legislative session. Ongoing budget activity, budget-related events, trends, and issues are analyzed for their fiscal policy implications. Budget divisions, committees, and legislative commissions hold special meetings to examine pending issues. |
End of November | Department of Finance issues November Forecast of state revenues and expenditures. |
January or February | Legislature convenes, begins official budget hearings and committee hearings to discuss pertinent issues and bills. Staff drafts bills and amendments upon request of Senators. |
Fourth Tuesday in January in odd-numbered years, or third Tuesday in February, if a new governor has just been elected | Governor issues detailed budget for following biennium. |
Mid February | Governor issues detailed budget and policy bills for the next biennium. |
End of February | Department of Finance issues February Forecast of state revenues and expenditures. |
March through May | Legislature finishes committee and budget hearings, bills are debated and voted on in floor sessions, and conference committees meet to finalize bills. Governor signs or vetoes legislation. |
Monday following third Saturday in May | Constitution mandates end of regular session. |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Aplikowski Rachel | Minority Media Relations Director | G300 MSB | 651.296.4906 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Cook Angela | Legislative Assistant | 2221 MSB | 651.296.4922 |
Cook Ed | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.0129 |
Countryman Gina | Minority Communications Director | G300 MSB | 651.296.8864 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Durand Joshua | Legislative Assistant | 2229 MSB | 651.296.5252 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Exley Greg | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.0671 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Field Melissa | Legislative Assistant | 2203 MSB | 651.296.6200 |
Florell Victor | Legislative Assistant | 2235 MSB | 651.296.4136 |
Fossum Jason | Minority Chief of Staff | 2405 MSB | 651.296.5311 |
Fraser Dave | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.9191 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Globa Pete | Legislative Assistant | 2321 MSB | 651.296.9251 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Haavisto Wendy | Legislative Assistant | 2219 MSB | 651.296.3218 |
Hartje Mikayla | Legislative Assistant | 2319 MSB | 651.296.0101 |
Hendrickson David | Legislative Assistant | 2301 MSB | 651.296.5956 |
Herman Jill | Legislative Assistant | 2403 MSB | 651.296.4196 |
Hingst Bryce | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.297.1760 |
Hoy Madeline | Media Relations Specialist | G300 MSB | 651.296.8614 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Johnson Brittany | Minority Legislative Support Supervisor | 2242 MSB | 651.296.1223 |
Johnson Karen | Legislative Assistant | 3413 MSB | 651.296.0293 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Larson Andy | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.2011 |
Lee Bethany | Legislative Assistant | 2205 MSB | 651.296.5094 |
Leonard Trinity | Legislative Assistant | 2301 MSB | 651.296.2512 |
Linden Amy | Legislative Assistant | 2209 MSB | 651.296.0769 |
Lonetti Dom | Legislative Assistant | 2227 MSB | 651.296.9457 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Marcus Greg | Legislative Assistant | 3411 MSB | 651.296.9248 |
Martin Margaret | Legislative Assistant | 2411 MSB | 651.296.4264 |
McDonald Angelique | Legislative Assistant | 2213 MSB | 651.296.1780 |
Michaelson Linnea | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.1416 |
Mickelberg Daniel | Director of Minority Research | G300 MSB | 651.296.4106 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Noonan Matthew | Legislative Assistant | 2233 MSB | 651.296.0476 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Osgerby Olivia | Legislative Assistant | 2327 MSB | 651.296.4166 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Parkin Brooks | Legislative Assistant | 2413 MSB | 651.296.1323 |
Pearson Paige | Media Relations Specialist | G300 MSB | 651.296.0270 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Reynolds Jillian | Media Relations Specialist | G300 MSB | 651.296.5307 |
Roberts Gabby | Legislative Assistant | 2417 MSB | 651.296.5246 |
Rosckes Henry | Legislative Assistant | 2225 MSB | 651.296.1279 |
Ruei Janyjor | Legislative Assistant | 2201 MSB | 651.296.0556 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Schaefer Christina | Legislative Assistant | 2303 MSB | 651.296.3988 |
Sherlock Nick | Media Relations Specialist | G300 MSB | 651.296.4158 |
Simpson Ellie | Legislative Assistant | 2323 MSB | 651.296.8017 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Thornton Ryan | Legislative Assistant | 2211 MSB | 651.296.5070 |
Tschida Tom | Researcher | G300 MSB | 651.296.1530 |
Tulenchik Andy | Legislative Assistant | 2415 MSB | 651.296.4380 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Warrick Nicole | Legislative Assistant | 2231 MSB | 651.296.7136 |
Watson Maureen | Legislative Assistant | 2215 MSB | 651.296.7193 |
Weinreich August | Legislative Assistant | 2217 MSB | 651.296.5245 |
Wilson Christina | Legislative Assistant | 2207 MSB | 651.296.4847 |
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number |
Zimmerman Jared | Legislative Assistant | 2325 MSB | 651.296.4839 |