Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2998 - CTIB Clean-Up Bill
Author: Senator Scott J. Newman
Prepared By: Alexis C. Stangl, Senate Counsel (651/296-4397)
Date: March 5, 2018


S.F. No. 3250 eliminates references to the Counties Transit Improvement Board to reflect the Board’s termination in 2017.

Section 1 [Certain transit financial activity reporting] eliminates references to CTIB in the Legislative Auditor’s transit financial activity review of the Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Division.

Section 2 [Authorization; scope] deletes a reference to the statute repealed later in this bill.

Section 3 [Authorization; rates] deletes references to the “metropolitan transportation area,” which is defined as the area of CTIB counties.

Section 4 [Allocation; termination] allows funds received by a former CTIB county as a result of the termination of the Board may be used for the purposes in current law.

Section 5 [Application] adds a date reference to a cross-reference to the CTIB law as it existed in 2017.

Section 6 [Repealer] repeals several subdivisions in section 297A.992, which created CTIB and allowed CTIB counties to impose a metropolitan transportation area sales tax.

Subdivision 1 is definitions.

Subdivision 2 is the authorization and rates of the tax.

Subdivision 3 authorizes the CTIB joint powers agreement.

Subdivision 4 governs the CTIB joint powers board.

Subdivision 5 establishes the Grant Evaluation and Rankings System (GEARS) Committee to handle grants and awards.

Subdivision 6 governs allocation of grant awards.

Subdivision 6a prioritizes uses of funds.

Subdivision 7 authorizes CTIB to issue bonds.

Subdivision 8 provides for the allocation of revenue.

Subdivision 9 provides for administration, collection, and enforcement of the tax.

Subdivision 10 provides for the termination of the tax.

Subdivision 10a governs the use of funds if the CTIB is dissolved.

Subdivision 11 requires CTIB to report to the legislature annually.

Subdivision 12 governs grants to the Metropolitan Council.


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